DEFIANCE – 2.10 & 11 ‘Bottom Of The Well’ & ‘Doll Parts’ Deirdie Forgot Her Red Bull
This week we were treated to two full hours of Defiance along with another tweet party with cast of the show. Tweeting while watching makes fur a fun evening especially when it’s Defiance. Be sure to join us for next Thursday’s season finale. Come one, come all!
Irisa is caught trying to steal a Terra Sphere from the E-Rep Garrison. Nolan catches her in the act and proceeds to drag her around in hadcuffs just to keep a peeper on her. If only it was that easy and Irisa is most decidedly not herself. This week we learn more of why. More on that later, now however, she manipulates Tommy into helping her who is promptly rewarded by possession from Irzu. That’s one god kiss I never want!
Irisa takes the sphere and calls to the Devouring Mother for aid, who encapsulates her “converts” into some kind of egg harvest garden reminiscent of The Matrix. Things are truly going from weird to weirder! Nolan! Where the heck are you?
The evil Ambassador arrives with her two new replacement husbands, but don’t worry, none of them lasted long when the mine they were touring collapsed. It seems Rafe’s returned son, Quentin, is actually working for the Voltan Collective and the collapse was an act of terrorism.
Amanda and Niles survived the initial blast but were quickly running out of oxygen. The two took these last few minutes to bicker and canoodle, topped off by a confession from Niles that was hidden to us. From the look on Amanda’s face her it must have been a doozey!
The pair were rescued just in time by Nolan and Berlin, who broke up along the way. Amanda’s danger brought Nolan’s feelings into sharp focus. Sadly Amanda and Niles bonded over their near death experience leaving the Lawkeeper as the odd man out.
Rafe breaks off his little fling with Treasure Doll. It soon becomes clear Deirdie is not going to give up her alabaster lover quite so easily. Rafe is too engulfed in reuniting with Christie to notice the danger, however Mama Catithan, sees the threat quite clearly.
Stahma goes to her estranged husband to solve the problem of Treasure Doll, however Datak’s price is more than she is willing to pay. And, when Rafe’s little girl toy falls to her death, it is assumed that Stahma did the job herself. Or did she?
We are kept guessing right up until the very end when it is revealed Christie was the real culprit. When Stahma figures it out you could see the gleam of pride in her eyes. Truly the women of Defiance are a wonder!
Rafe confronts his son regarding the bombing and is rewarded by a blow to the head topped off by being nabbed by the E-Rep’s for the attack. All the evidence was neatly supplied by Quentin who framed his Father out of self-preservation and anger for his missing mother. Oh! And, by the way the estranged mom returns to Defiance in the form of LINDA FREAKING HAMILTON!
Nolan moves on to the more serious threat, Irisa. He discovers her location and is confronted with the Irzu infested Tommy. The former Deputy vomited up his god-gift when he tried to kill Nolan. Later we learn that Irisa made a deal with Irzu that Nolan’s life was off the table.
That deal may prove the false god’s undoing in the end. We learn along with everyone else that “Irzu” is actually a horde of tiny robots consisting of tendrils of Ark brain. This artificial intelligence intends to destroy everyone save a few “chosen ones” thereby creating a new paradise. Holy Canada! Skynet’s got nothing on those people possessing nano-bots!
Nolan challenges Sukar to a fight in a ruse to gather all the infected in one place which allows Tommy to set off an EM pulse. This allows the two to escape with a stunned Irisa in tow. Nolan’s daughter soon wakes, and chaos ensues. She stabs Tommy and narrowly evades Irzu’s command to kill Nolan. The law keeper awakes to find Irisa gone and Tommy grievously wounded.
In next weeks two hour season finale the battle between Iruz and Irisa comes to a climax. Who will survive is anyone’s guess.