DEFIANCE – 2.09 ‘Painted From Memory’ Frankenstein & Lavender Fields
Apparently Kenya is back? But something’s not adding up. Her memories are sketchy at best and Nolan’s instincts tell him all is not well. Doc Yewll is acting weirder than normal and, as usual, she knows what we don’t.
Stahma doesn’t believe her eyes when she sees Kenya and flees from the Need Want to have a quiet nervous breakdown. It was lovely to see the Castithan uncharacteristically emotional. She enlists the aid of her doting husband, Datak in a little game of ‘Find The Body.’ However, the search proves difficult when the “small patch of flowers” Stahma planted on the gravesite multiplied beyond anything Miracle Grow could have imagined. Several holes and one hissy fit later Datak discovers Kenya’s skull and the happy couple are reunited again if only for a brief time.
As it turns out…Kenya is dead. The person/being posing as Kenya is actually a product of Niles playing Frankenstein in some kind of failed twisted plot to win Amanda. Okay I call foul on this whole episode. What the hell were the writers thinking? Does this storyline serve any purpose? If so, I missed the plot train on this one and I would like a refund.
The only thing that made the whole episode worth watching was seeing Stahma loose her shit in the lavender field. Come on Defiance I know you can do better. We’re all rooting for you!
Other Developments:
• Rafe’s long lost son comes home and apparently he’s working for the Voltan Collective.
• Irzu’s chickens have some home to roost and my, my haven’t they been fruitful, but to what end?