DOMINION – 1.08 ‘Beware Those Closest To You’ A Wedding, Two Deaths & A Baby
We begin with a rather clever ruse. Alex interrupts a Senate Meeting and demands to be heard. The still undercover, Chosen One air’s all of Michaeal’s dirty laundry. He informs the Council of hidden higher angels, Michael’s past and his apparent secret agenda. Turns out all of these actions were just an elaborate hoax on their part to bring Gabriel out of hiding.
Arika receives a delegation from Helena bearing what is thought to be the head of Evelyn on a pillow. This action only reveals we are hoodwinked once again. Arika IS Evelyn herself, but wait! There’s more! Uriel is her lover and they have plans of their own as to who should rule. All this time we were led to believe the conflict was between Michael and Gabriel alone. The brothers, in their arrogance, missed their deadliest threat, Uriel.
Dudes! You’ve ben played! Which makes me wonder if this will be a catalyst in Season 2 (If there is a Season 2) that brings the brothers together. Curiouser and curiouser!
Claire marries William. The celebration is extremely short lived when the clever girl realizes William’s true identity. David is forced from a pact with the new bride in which William dies.
David takes William outside the protective walls of Vega and releases him. I was touched by the Father’s intervention. Even when he knows his son is completely delusional regarding his devotion to Gabriel, David cannot bring himself to murder his child. It reminded me somewhat of the story of Abraham and Isaac, however in this instance, God was absent. Say what you will about the evil that is David, sparing his son, proved there is a heart in there somewhere.
Confession is good for the soul, and Michael reveals his past mistakes of ‘The Flood’ to Alex. “My Father’s commands weren’t always straightforward. Sometimes they were a test. In this instance a test I had failed…..your rise is my redemption Alex. Don’t let me down.” Alex is doing his best, however as the deceptions come floating to the top, you can see him struggling to keep up.
Later, Alex and Michael’s ploy fails and the duo is outfoxed by Gabriel when their ruse actually gives him the advantage. Vega is unprotected which gives the Dark Archangel freedom to fly right up to their front door and…..surrender? Surrender? Really?
No one actually believed Gabriel intended to yield, yet with William and David’s aid, he is allowed to be taken into custody. His prison had all the flavors of Hannibal in ‘The Silence of the Lambs,‘ so much so, that I half expected to hear Gabriel speak of fava beans and Chianti. Gabriel allowed himself to be incarcerated just long enough to spread chaos with truth.
Michael was led to Becca’s betrayal when Gabriel’s words revealed Michael’s longtime lover had actually captured the angel-in-hiding Lewis. Becca was dissecting the hapless angel in order to discern their weaknesses. I was surprised to realize my tears for the night came from Michael’s mercy killing of Lewis and not of the strangulation death of Becca by Michael’s own hand. Nothing cuts deeper than betrayal and with a few short words Gabriel won. Michael indeed flew out in a rage and appears to have reverted back to his old ways.
Gabriel played Alex like a fiddle as well and revealed to him the most shocking truth of all. Claire is pregnant. That revelation on top of the multitude of betrayals was enough to turn Alex away from Vega and straight into Gabriel’s open arms!
I’ve gone on the record before about this and I repeat again; I cannot see a path where Dominion does not receive a second season. In eight short episodes, Dominion has managed to cultivate a huge fanbase. The series consistently trends on Twitter each and every week and the Season Finale was no exception. When we were able to speak to the cast at Comic-Con the one constant topic in every conversation revolved around the show’s explosive response on Social Media. Here’s to hoping we were all right!