Comic Con
INTERVIEW: Tom Wisdom Talks DOMINION at San Diego Comic Con
Tom Wisdom took the time to speak with us before his panel at San Diego Comic-Con and I must say I was struck by his calm, kind demeanor and genuine enjoyment of his work on Dominion. I have been a fan of his career since he portrayed the part of Astinos in Frank Miller’s 300. It is clear that these types of complicated roles suit him quite well.
Tom recalled how much he liked the character of Michael from the very beginning. “I love Michael. I love playing Michael. I loved him when I first read the pilot script. I thought there was something quite unusual about him…..I like the way he doesn’t emote very much. He’s Very stoic but will show the odd glimpse of a more sensitive side. I think he’s inherently good and he sees the inherent goodness in humanity. So that’s why he wants to help them.”
He gave us a tease for what we can expect in coming episodes of Dominion from Michael. “The next episode (Ouroboros) you start to learn more about Michael’s past and his relationships, especially with Gabriel in the next three episodes. You definitely see a different side to Michael.”
Regarding Relationships with Becca and the pull of angel versus his attraction to humanity, Tom opined: “Well it’s interesting.” “I think it is something he is pretty fascinated by humanity and the way they feel and show emotion and express emotion. Which is something perhaps he hasn’t been able to do but is becoming more and more… To me that’s what drew me to the character.” He also spoke on whether we will see more back story on his relationship with Becca. “You definitely see some backstory. Not so much on the relationship, but the backstory does happen. It’s very hard not to spoil it. There are things going on behind the scenes that…come out in the next few episodes and they definitely have a bearing on their relationship.”
Mr. Wisdom had us all in stitches when he talked about the hardest part portraying the Archangel. “Not laughing I guess. It’s very tempting to laugh all the time. I stare at people and I don’t blink very much.” He remarked that the whipping scene with Christopher Egan was especially difficult to portray because there was a lot of “Giggling” going on.
On Michael and Gabriel: Their conflict is coming. “It’s difficult though because they are polar opposites.” It is difficult for them to reconcile…but definitely you find things out in the next few episodes.”
Tom also spoke about his impressions of Social Media. “I didn’t like the idea of it very much.”, he replied. “I was pretty private. I didn’t understand it really, but the live tweeting has been incredible. How people are really interested in our world. To see the response is fantastic…because we’re watching it for the first time too. It’s been great…the live tweeting there’s something immediate about it.” This was especially good news for those of us to hear who are dedicated to live tweeting the show every week, myself included. There is something quite unifying in tweeting together about a topic we all enjoy. For me, it feels as if I have found my tribe.
There is a plethora very dedicated tweeters out there who love the show as much as I do. Some of my favorites include: @MrVickyGoumen, @miss_naazneen, @Dinelle_Fuller, @DominionOctagon, @DominionTTVD and @tomwisdomdotnet. If you like Dominion, give them a follow! For a complete list of the cast of Dominion on twitter, click here.
Tom described the process of shooting Michael’s action scenes and gave a shout out to the fantastic CGI company in Toronto, Spin, which handles their special effects. I took a look at their site and was pleasantly surprised to see their work in many of my favorite films. Bravo!
Tom described the process of using green screens, swan diving, and harnesses. I was very impressed with the fact Tom does all his own stunts which would have to be very intimidating to work at such heights. With regards to heights he said, “You know I thought I was. I mean the first time my knees were definitely shaking, but then I couldn’t wait to get back up the ladder again. I love it. I look forward to it. If it’s a flying day, it’s a good day.”
In conclusion Tom expressed his gratitude for the opportunity of Dominion. “It’s not like a job. It’s fun. I always feel very lucky to be doing it. There’s always hundreds of other actors who would happily trade places…. It’s a great job.” Well said Mr. Wisdom. Well said.
Need more Dominion? Check out our other interviews with cast and show creators here!