Comic Con
DOMINION’s Show Creator Vaun Wilmott Interview at Comic-Con
There was so many great things to come out of our Press Interview at Comic-Con with the Cast and Show Creator Vaun Wilmott regarding Dominion. It became impossible to do Syfy’s newest series justice if we grouped everything together in one story. I felt it necessary to give you the details of all of it one interview at a time!
Just to give you an idea what it is like, we all gathered at tables while the cast rotated around. It is a noisy and active environment, but everyone was very positive and the energy in the room was wonderful. It was quite clear that everyone in attendance was excited about Syfy’s Angelic Series and was anxious to find out more.
I begin with Show Creator Vaun Wilmott:
It was remarked that the series had many themes of conflicts between Father’s and Son’s. Wilmott opined, “What I realized it’s about absentee fathers and it’s effects. I lost my own Dad when I was 20 and I think it …obviously really impacted me and I didn’t realize until I did the show kind of how much. So it threads through everything and for me kind of thematically, um it informs the characters so much. It allows us to see what the effects are.”
Vaun gave us an exciting tidbit about the upcoming finale. He revealed “Someone’s not going to make it out alive, and also Gabriel is coming to Vega. In the flesh.” Hold onto your hat’s folks! I am excited and scared to find out the truth of that statement! Who do you think it will be?
Regarding the back story and conflict that necessitated the creation of Vega. Wilmott went into a few details regarding how General Riesen came to power after the conflict and how Vega’s roots are based on the Roman Culture and Vega was shaped to emulate that society. He established the Political System as well as the V System which, over time, has become corrupt. That corruption is a huge source of conflict between the General and his daughter.
Wilmott was excited to share about the impact of Social Media on Dominion. “I have become like a tweeting maniac. I really love it. I love the interaction. I’m a fan. I geek out over things so I really share and appreciate their passion and how much joy the get from it. Just so amazed by that…. it’s a dream.”
Regarding the story arc Vaun reveals ” I’ve about five seasons planned out. Three in absolute detail. Two more in looser detail…. but, the show itself could easily go six, seven seasons.” This is most excellent news for the fans and kind of comforting to know Vaun knows exactly where we are going.
Will we see another big angel war? “Oh Yeah. That’s a must right?” He shared his respect for the Special Effects team used in creating Vega and the world of Dominion and creating the angels for television. I for one, heartily agree. The visual effects and attention to detail are stunning!
For the entire interview please check out the video below. Thank you guys so much for your questions!