DEFIANCE – 2.07 ‘If You Could See Her Through My Eyes’ Cutting, Cosplay & Hellbug Body Disposal’s
In Castithan Society it appears the help provides a complete list of services which includes taking care of Datak’s sexual needs. Sadly Jalina did not survive long after her encounter with Stahma’s husband and is found dead on his doorstep the next morning. Whut Oh!
Rafe helps Datak dispose of the body via Hellbug when Doc Yewll turns him down. Rafe explained his reasons by saying ” I’m not your friend, but you’re family, so that counts for something I guess.” There’s nothing like a good old fashioned murder to bring the family together.” I’m sure Jalina would have been pleased especially when further bonding between Stahma and Datak occurs when in search of her killer.
Irisa shows us a new twist on cutting when she uses it to find out more on her destiny through pain induced visions. Her exercises pay off when she discovers the real life man in her dreams in the form of Cai. And, what is already a mystery deepens with this Irathian. I don’t know about you, but I could sure use some clarity on just what the hell is going on with Nolan’s adopted daughter. The flashback we see when she kisses Cai only creates more questions instead of answers. Which, I suspect, was the entire point.
Nolan gets brought into the search and makes a bee-line for Irisa to inquire whether she had anything to do with the missing Castithan. The law-keeper is beginning to piece the clues of Irisa’s puzzle together and when he witnesses Irisa take yet another blade and survive, her ruse is up! Nolan’s response to the truth was beautiful. “One rule. We live or die together.”
Christie is playing a dangerous game and Diedre is no friend. She has set her sights on Rafe and the poor thing doesn’t have a clue. The new bride is so enamored with Castithan Cosplay and her new admirer in the form of an equally undercover Viceroy Mercado bearing Courtship Gems that she misses the obvious. When Rafe turns to Treasure Doll Deidre for comfort, after discovering Christie’s secret, he ties a nice little bow on his employee’s Fairy Tale wishes.