DEFIANCE 2.05 – ‘Putting The Damage On’ Rubber Ducky, You’re The One.
Defiance inspires millions of viewers each week to the joy’s of bathing. And whaddya know? This week is no different. We begin with Amanda getting high in her own bathtub oasis. Bliss soon turns to terror, when the intoxicated former Mayor is attacked in her own home.
Nolan comes to the rescue and begins an investigation. And, although he cares for Amanda, he is not blinded by his affection. He sees she is withholding the entire truth. Nolan soon discovers her Adreno addiction and suspects the attack is not unrelated.
Amanda is seeing things, literally and when she goes to Niles for help, the waters become even murkier. Irisa and Tommy draw babysitting duty and their watchfulness is rewarded by a bullet for them both gifted from the confused addict’s own gun. Irisa, thanks to her magic whatever-it-is abilities, heals quickly, however Tommy is not so fortunate, further proving being human is a tough gig.
Datak seeks revelation in Castithan Crazy Scrolls, however true help comes in the form of Doc Ywell who serves up a mighty helping of truth. The rejected Castithan comes before his estranged wife bearing blood soaked flowers forcing Stahma to allow Datak into the family fold once again. From the looks on her face, she was none too happy about the matter.
My absolute favorite moment of the night came in the form of Rafe and Stahma sharing bath time funsies together. Seeing Rafe’s eyes saucer when Stahma disrobed was priceless! I want to take this moment to thank the creators of Defiance for the Castithan Race. The Bath Salt industry, due the incredible increase in sales, also send their warmest regards. Business is booming!
Amanda isn’t the only one having unwanted visions. Niles ad Doc Ywell share the same malady, each for different reasons. It is revealed that all three cases are related to a malfunctioning ego implant. Nile’s and Amanda both have their implant safely removed while Ywell chooses to keep hers intact for just a little while longer.
Our final curve of the night comes when dear old Doc reveals her own resurrection story and although she appears to be plotting with Niles, it is clear she has quite an agenda all her own revolving around her guilt for past crimes. The plot thickens! What do you think is really going on?