DOMINION 1.05 – ‘Something Borrowed’ Is That You, Mommy?
Alex is training with Michael and it quickly becomes apparent the archangels’ centuries of experience far outweigh any military training on Lannons’ part. It is only when Michael’s Life Lesson’s in the form of bruises appear that comprehension is gained.
Each episode this season, the veil is lifted a little further, revealing our characters dark secrets and true natures. Tonight’s episode was no different and what was discovered were real whoppers!
We find out the truth behind David and Williams twisted relationship. When young William witnesses his Father’s reaction while their family is attacked, it left quite an impression. Seeing Daddy Dearest hovering above, bloody hammer in hand, must have broke little ones mind. With the violence at home, no wonder he turned to Gabriel for security!
The elder Whele continues to scatter joy at every step when he confronts Claire about her father’s ailing heath and taunts Becca regarding her relationship with Michael. What is up with this dude? Talk about going to the dark side! He is the epitome of every deadly sin. This guy can’t die soon enough, but I’ve a feeling just like a cockroach, David would find a way to survive any apocalypse!
Claire still struggles with Bixby’s death and shares a tender moment with Alex in consolation, however the truth is apparent to them both. She chooses duty over her heart and prepares to marry William. This girl may be forced into a marriage she doesn’t want, but bless her heart, she is no Shrinking Violet! Claire has had excellent teachers in the art of scheming all these years and seeing her put them to use on William and then David made me want to cheer! I’m Team Claire!
I’m impressed by William’s display of steel under that smarmy veneer when he is questioned by one of Gabriel’s followers! Good will is further extended when we see William stand up to his father in a big way! When David finds out the truth regarding his son, he might actually be jealous of Williams temerity.
Remind me never to take relationship advice from Michael. Wow! When Becca shared her feelings with the raven haired archangel his deficiencies as a true life partner became glaringly obvious. Apparently in all his vast experience with human women, understanding the feminine wasn’t high on his list of priorities!
Clementine goes to the market and is forced to kill when her eight-ball status is revealed. Riesen learns of his lovers mishap and realizes his secret cannot be hidden much longer. Later when the General finds Clementine in his daughter’s room, a line is crossed and he dispatches Michael to end the problem. Permanently.
I don’t know about you, but I surprised myself by actually rooting for the isolated possessed chick. Unwanted by her own kind and hunted by humans is an impossible position. When she is hunted down by Lannon a big truth is revealed! Clementine is actually inhabiting the body of Claire’s long believed dead mother. BOOM! What an amazing twist! Bravo!