DEFIANCE 2.03 – ‘The Cord & The Ax’ Death, Ressurection & Bath Time Reunion’s
Alak continues to struggle filling Daddy’s shoes when he has a run-in with his new part-time assistant. However, he does manage to do something right when it is discovered that Christie is pregnant.
Rafe warns Alak in no uncertain terms that he will not allow the young Castithan to harm his daughter and future grandchild with his illegal activities. Alak freaks out and runs to dear old dad for advice and to ask out of the Family Business. Datak has an epiphany on these revelations and realizes the real leadership behind the curtain, Stahma, and proceeds to throw a hissy fit.
Alak stands firm and gives it right back at him. “You’re here because you couldn’t control the one thing you needed to control. Yourself. You’re a miserable old bastard. I hope you rot in this cage.”
Go! Alak GO! I’m so proud!
Irisa’s dark passenger had gone one step to far when she attacks Birdie. Irisa refuses to reveal what is going on. Most especially to Nolan who seeks advice from Amanda “Sometimes just not giving up is enough.” Irisa seeks guidance from the resurrected shaman, sadly attacking him as well when Irzu demands which leads her to a standoff with herself. Maybe Irzu should have picked someone less willful as the “Chosen One.”
Irisa calls the god to task when she pulls the trigger pointed at her own head, but to her dismay death is not an option. Wow! That’s gotta smart!
Instead Irzu sings her a lullaby while she knits herself back together, and upon her healing Birdie appears alive and well. What the hell? It seems the goddess wasn’t lying when she said she was protecting them. And, later we discover they are not dead, but alive and spreading/ infecting others with Irzu’s influence. Bleh!
Nolan and Rafe discover the duo and neither is talking. He smells a rat, but Irisa only states
“I’d tell you the truth if I could.” Sometimes you don’t want to know the truth. This might be one of those occasions.
Niles is everywhere this episode and notifies Nolan of his affection for Amanda. In other words: ‘She’s mine. Back off.” Nolan doesn’t have a great history with following orders. I wonder how long these will hold up?
Meanwhile, his hold on the Adreno Market causes Amanda to seek him out and a dysfunctional relationship is born. Different drug, same old story. The sad part is, Niles orchestrated this union and it appears the means in this case does justify the ends for his purposes.
Pottinger also creates quite a stir when a deal is reached with Doc Yewell who agrees to continue her research in exchange for her release and Datak is casually thrown into the deal as well.
Datak’s bathtub reunion with his family was beautifully shot. Stahma’s expressions and body language was perfection. Actions speak far louder than words and when Datak attacked his bride, it spoke volumes. My, my what a kettle of fish!
I can’t wait to find out how Stahma navigates this situation!