Follow the Cast of DOMINION on Twitter!
As many of you know, I love the interactive experience of Live Tweeting during a show. Tweeting during an episode provides a whole new dynamic to watching. It connects you to cast members and other fans creating a sense of excitement and unity. Live Tweeting is like joining a group of best friends you’ve never met before.
Recently Christopher Egan, who stars as Alex Lannon in Syfy’s new drama Dominion shared with us his thoughts on joining the world of Social Media via Twitter. “Twitter’s one of those things that took me a while to really grasp, I think, just the world is changing so quickly. And I think sitting in that conference call, with all the actors and everyone’s explaining Twitter and how important it is. This is how we promote the show…..I have to jump on board.”
Please follow us and the rest of the cast of Dominion on Twitter to join in on the fun!
Executive Producer and Show Creator Vaun Wilmott @VaunWilmott
Christopher Egan is The Chosen One, Alex Lannon @MrChrisEgan
Tom Wisdom is the The Archangel, Michael @MrTomWisdom
Roxanne McKee is The General’s Daughter, Claire Riesen @Roxanne_Mckee
Alan Dale is General Riesen @RealAlanDale
Anthony Head is Politician David Whele @AnthonySHead
Luke Allen Gale is Religious Leader, William Whele @LukeAllenGale
Shivani Ghai is Arika, Wife of Queen Evelyn of Helena @ShivaniGhai