Yay! It’s official! Cam and Mitch are finally married! I have to admit that with the wedding being a 2-part episode I hoped there would be more of the wedding and less of the craziness, but this is Modern Family and who knows what is going to happen next. Let’s get down to it!
After last week’s fiasco, we were left hanging right when they were going to evacuate the wedding site due to fire. They asked the fireman if they could just have an hour, and he said he could give them 30 minutes at the most. Pepper said they could do a scaled down version of the wedding and to get it going. Sal was starting the ceremony when her water broke (I totally saw that coming last week but hoped I was wrong). She was still holding on to the lie that she was only 4 months pregnant (and her dingy boyfriend believed her) and tried to act like she was fine. Cam and Mitch told her she was in labor and sent her to the hospital. Phil said he could jump in to perform the ceremony. Pepper said that another venue opened up and they could move the wedding there (without worry of being burned alive). So to the shuttles everyone went.
The new venue was gorgeous and Cam couldn’t believe they were able to get it last minute. Pepper said that the original wedding that was booked there was canceled because the bride got cold feet and ran away. They set everything up and it was beautiful! Just when they were about to begin, the bride and the wedding party from the other wedding showed up and wanted their venue (that they paid for) back. Pepper tried to encourage the bride to run away again and follow her heart (which was hilarious), but it didn’t work. So now it was time for plan c. Cam and Mitch’s house.
While the wedding craziness was going on, Hayley went back to the coffee house to see Andy the nanny (whose flight had been delayed again). She told him that he shouldn’t go to Utah to see his ex-girlfriend. She told him that he deserved better and she didn’t deserve him. She invited him to come to the wedding and hang out, but she had to leave because Claire was calling her.
At Cam and Mitch’s house, Alex warned Hayley not to flirt with Andy if she didn’t really like him. She said as a fellow nerd, it would be much harder for him to get over her than it would for her to get over him. Andy called Hayley and asked if she was speaking generally about him deserving better, or if she had someone specific in mind. She told him that she was speaking in general and that she wanted him to be happy. He said he thought that was what she meant and he hung up. We see that Andy was in a cab outside of Cam and Mitch’s house looking at the wedding. He told the cab driver to leave. Aw! I want Haley and Andy to get together. I hope it happens next season.
Now that they had everyone stuffed in their house, Cam and Mitch were about to start the wedding for the third time and Cam asked Mitch if he wanted to do it. It just didn’t feel right and Mitch agreed. They were about to call it off when Jay told them that they deserve a beautiful wedding like they talked about for months. Jay made some calls and booked their wedding at his fancy club.
At the club, it was finally coming together on the 4th try. It was set up beautifully outside. Lily started down the aisle (again), then Jay grabbed Mitchell and said he thought they would take a stroll down the aisle (so sweet). Jay walked Mitchell down the aisle and Gloria joined them. Cam’s father didn’t want to be out done, so he and Cam’s mother walked Cam down the aisle. Phil performed the ceremony and Cam and Mitch both got teary (as did I). The wedding was sealed with a kiss and they were finally husbands! Yay! Claire gave a very heartfelt best person speech about how she was the perfect partner for Mitch until Cam came along. It was very nice and the husbands got to have their first dance. Cheers to Cam and Mitch!
Side note: I’d like to give a shout out to Manny’s zit on his cheek, that thing should have gotten its own credit on this episode! HA!
What did you think of the wedding? What did you like or dislike about it? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
Well that’s a wrap on Season five folks! Thanks for tuning in and be sure to check back for season 6 in the fall.
Modern Family airs Wednesday nights at 9/8c on ABC.