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WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Endless
Warehouse 13 ends its run tonight with what might be the most perfect episode – ever. I was going to do the normal recap but I am not sure I can do it justice. Instead I’m going to run down a few main points and urge you to watch it (if you haven’t already). If you have watched it I suggest watching it again. A really quick note of appreciation to Syfy. Am I happy they cancelled Warehouse 13, no. Am I glad they gave the show the chance to wrap things up with this abbreviated final season, yes. It’s a nod to us fans. Telling us they know that even though there weren’t huge numbers of us, there were still quite a few of us and for that I’m grateful.
So here is the brilliant thing about the finale, the episode centers (literally) around Arthur’s Roundtable. If you remember at the end of last week’s episode the compass that signals the move of the Warehouse was glowing. Mrs. Frederick comes to the Warehouse to update the archive. When a Warehouse is starting to move the current agents and caretakers sit down around the Roundtable. They put their hand out and the Roundtable picks the defining moment of their service. This record is stored kind of like a time capsule for future generations.
The agents take turns putting their hands in the circle. All except Pete. He won’t do it. He isn’t ready for this to be over. The rest of the gang do their thing and we find out Artie has a son. Claudia is beside herself with this knowledge. Speaking of Artie he has a great speech that he gives to the Warehouse about what a thankless job being caretaker is. This all culminates in Claudia admitting she wants to stay an agent, she isn’t sure she wants to be a caretaker. She hadn’t said anything because she felt she was letting Artie down.
Myka finds Pete in the room with the manual for the Warehouse. She admits her love for him and he admits he feels the same way. They have their moment and with the knowledge that he isn’t losing Myka no matter what happens to the Warehouse Pete is ready to contribute to the Roundtable. He puts his hand in and moments from the entire series flash across the screen. His defining moment is every minute he got to spend with all of them. If that weren’t touching enough, and believe me Eddie McClintock acted his behind off, Lena makes an appearance. We get to see her accept the job to work at the B&B and look after artifacts from Mrs. Frederick.
Speaking of awesome guest appearances we get a glimpse of HG Wells doing her thing back in 1889 as well. The way the show brought back some of the key players for this finale was brilliant. The end of the episode at least puts a positive spin on what was a tearjerker at times. We flash forward several decades into the future where agents and a caretaker are arguing about a ping or a job or something. They are still in the Warehouse 13 building. Claudia appears, looking as young as always. The agents address her as Mrs. Donovan. She is the new “Mrs. Frederick”. She comments “If I had a nickel for every time the Warehouse almost moved – sometimes it takes a liking to…” and then disappears as stealthily as Mrs. Frederick always does.