THE GOOD WIFE – Season Finale ‘A Weird Year’
Alicia is throwing a graduation party for Zach and calls in reinforcements when she is unable to leave the office due to Eli’s imminent arrival shouting disaster. Alicia’s mother Veronica steps up to the plate and drags, Mother-in-law, Jackie in the mix. I sense impending doom.
Back at the office Florrick/Agos is faced with a unique situation. L.G. inadvertenly left their conference camera connected which gives Alicia’s firm a window on the schemes of Canning and David Lee. This discovery leads to some big reveals on both sides.
Cary’s worst fears come true right in front of everyone when it is revealed that Kalinda is exploiting their relationship for the advantage of L.G. Things spin further out of control when Alicia and Cary disagree on a potential merger. Agos takes matters into his own hands when a straw pole reveals Alicia has the votes to go ahead. He takes a walk on the dark side to reveal Diane’s intentions. This only succeeds in further corroding the relationship between the two partners.
The dinner preparation for Zach goes awry when the two mothers begin pecking at each other over their children. Veronica gets in the best blow when she reveals the new status of Peter and Alicia’s marriage. Seeing Jackie rattled and boozing it up was a thing of beauty.
Things got so bad that Peter called in poor Eli to mop up the the situation. Truly that guy has an awful job, and I must admit that little storyline made me giddy. However, Eli is so skilled he can find the silver lining in the darkest of clouds. You knew a biggie was coming when ‘that look’ came over him. When Eli asked Alicia to run for political office I was stunned. Wowzers! Didn’t see that coming.
• Will Alica decide to run for States Attorney? Can you imagine? Alicia would be brilliant!
• What will Cary do to Kalinda now that he knows she is using him?
• How will Alicia and Cary be able to move forward now that trust is broken?
This has been a weird year with the separation from Lockhart/Gardner, Will’s death and the pseudo separation between Peter and Alicia. I like the new Good Wife. What do you think?