Holy Stefan Salvatore! I can’t even begin to think about the season finale next week! Wow! I am sick to death of Markos and his travelers and now they went too far. *insert deep breath here* Grab your tissues peeps and let’s get down to it.
We begin with Damon questioning a banker (that had a passenger inside him) where Markos was. He was on the hunt to find Stefan and Elena. Caroline joined him and recognized the banker because he helped her open her first bank account. He told them it didn’t matter where Markos was; there was nothing they could do to stop him.
Stefan and Elena were chained and had buckets next to them collecting their blood that was dripping out of them. Ewww! They both were weak and Markos came over to Elena and gave her a little blood to drink. She spit it in his face and told him he had enough and to let her go. He cut her arm again and said he wouldn’t have enough until she was unable to speak.
Stefan was chained and someone (who we couldn’t see) unchained him and told him to go. He went and got Elena and next thing we see is Stefan on a pay phone with Damon complaining about him not finding them. They were in the middle of nowhere, and Stefan told Damon they would find their way home but Damon needed to focus on finding Markos and killing him.
Ghost Enzo made his presence known and told Damon (through Bonnie who was there) that he wanted to come back to life. Damon had too much to worry about and passed the task off to Bonnie. He told Enzo to catch a ride back to life with Bonnie once Liv figured out how to save her. Bonnie attempted to tell Damon that wasn’t a good plan but Jeremy arrived so she didn’t say anything. Jeremy and Damon left.
Liv and Luke met up for dinner and discussed how their coven was mad that they failed at keeping Elena and Stefan safe from Markos. Now there was only one other option; they had to kill Stefan and Elena. Yikes!
Elena and Stefan walked down a long road and they were hungry. They tried a little hunting, but squirrels weren’t cutting it. Elena said she hallucinated a unicorn and Stefan joked that maybe it was Caroline. They talked about how Caroline would keep them laughing if she were there. So Elena said they should put on their Caroline hats and try to make it fun. Just then a truck arrived with Maria (a Traveler) driving. Stefan tried to compel her to give them a ride, but she called him on it and told him she was the one who let them go. She told them to get in and they did. Maria told them that Julian (who was a passenger in Tyler’s body permanently) was her husband and she let them go so they would take her to him. She needed to get to him before Markos started his spell because once it started, magic would be stripped away layer by layer and Tyler would go from being a hybrid, then to a werewolf, and then dead and Julian would die too (along with vampires).
At casa de Salvatore, Damon had Jeremy and Matt bring the Travelers bodies from the cave to his house. He wanted Markos to come for them. Caroline was in the cellar talking to Julian (Tyler) and he told her that Markos wanted revenge against everything the witches stood for. He wanted to destroy it all. Caroline was not giving up on trying to save Tyler, but it wasn’t looking good for him.
Markos went into the cave and saw a note Damon left for him that read, “Found: Cave of Wannabe Witches. For more information call Damon Salvatore.” Markos called Damon and let himself in the house (while still talking to him on the phone). Damon put gas on the bodies and threatened to light a match. Markos didn’t care about the bodies, and to prove his point he stabbed one of the Traveler bodies in the neck with a bottle opener. He didn’t need the bodies for his plan. Damon tried to tell him that Mystic Falls wasn’t a good place, but Markos said that was just the beginning. His spell would end all spirit magic and only pure magic (traveler magic) would exist. Damon came at Markos and he threw Damon across the room. He said Damon wasn’t strong enough to stop him and the chanting started which meant the spell had started.
The Travelers that were passengered had vials of doppelgänger blood and were chanting around the town square. Maria, Elena and Stefan got back in town. Liv stepped out in front of the truck with her hand out. Maria put the car in reverse and Luke was there behind the truck with his hand out. He pushed the car towards Liv and she crashed their car. Maria hit her head and was bleeding. Stefan and Elena got out of the truck. Liv was hit Elena with magic to hurt her and Luke hit Stefan with his magic. They said one of them had to die to stop the spell. They went back and forth on who to kill and then their magic was gone. The Travelers were chanting and Elena and Stefan started to burn in the sun. Their daylight rings weren’t working. They had to get inside quick.
In the dorm, Caroline was going on and on about how the spell that’s going to save Bonnie could save Tyler too. Bonnie finally admitted to Caroline that there was no spell to bring people back from the other side. Ghost Enzo heard Bonnie and knew he was screwed. He caught her in the parking lot and asked her when she was going to tell him about the spell that didn’t exist. Then Maria showed up (she died in the truck) and asked Bonnie to tell Julian that she tried and then passed through Bonnie.
Back at casa de Salvatore, Julian talked to Damon from the cellar (knowing his vamp ears could hear him) and told him that Markos didn’t know Julian was there. He could use that against Markos. So Damon invited Markos to tour the wine cellar (since Markos already claimed the Salvatore Mansion to be his). The wine cellar was awesome! Damon talked about how he’d stolen wine in the past to distract Markos. He kicked the key to the shackles under the door to Julian in the cell.
Once they got back upstairs Julian jumped on Markos from behind and bit his neck viciously. Then Julian’s fangs were gone and they were starting to lose their magic. Damon started to burn in the sunlight through the window. The Travelers bodies started coming back to life (as the passengered bodies in the town square died). Julian (as Tyler) and Damon started to die their original deaths. Markos told them they could try to outrun the spell to give them a little more time. Damon left.
Stefan and Elena went to the grill and told Matt about their daylight rings. Matt took them to the tunnels. Elena started spitting up water and Stefan started bleeding like he had been shot. They were starting to die their original deaths also. Matt told them to keep moving and hopefully they could outrun the reach of the spell.
Back at the dorms, a vampire appeared to Bonnie and died. Caroline was freaked out because she knew the spell was working. She wanted to get out of there and suddenly Bonnie had an idea. She thought she figured out a way to get everyone back from the other side. She wanted to find Enzo.
Elena saw Damon and she kissed him. He was surprised by it and she said she had a crappy day and she needed it (which is what he said to her last week). She told him she thought she wasn’t going to see him again and couldn’t think of a worse way to die. Stefan looked at them reunite and seemed a little sad. He told Jeremy and Matt to go back to Mystic Falls to keep an eye on things, Damon left with Elena and he was waiting there for Caroline and Bonnie.
Ghost Maria was looking at her dead body in the truck (awkward) when Ghost Enzo approached her. He told her he was dead also. He asked her if she knew the spell that could bring people back and she did. Ghost Enzo wanted to team up with her to come back to life and she agreed (that was Bonnie’s plan, to get Maria to help them because she knew Maria knew the spell and wanted to get back to Julian). Then she started to get swept away to the other side and Enzo tried to hold on to her but couldn’t.
Ghost Enzo told Bonnie about Maria. Julian found Caroline and Stefan and asked where Maria was. He wanted to see his wife. Stefan told him she was dead, and Julian got super mad. Stefan told him that the witches killed her, but that didn’t matter. He didn’t have anything left. The Travelers wanted to kill him and his wife was gone. Somebody had to pay. Caroline went to snap his neck and he reached into Stefan’s chest and ripped out his heart. With Stefan dead—so was the spell. OMG! NO! NOT STEFAN! This can’t be real. Then Stefan appeared to Bonnie and I almost lost it! I still would not accept Stefan dying. He asked her if she could bring them all back and she said she couldn’t with tears in her eyes. He grabbed her arms and passed through her.
Caroline screamed for help as she sat by Stefan’s dead body. She cried and so did I (just a little because I really hope this is some type of mix up). Damn! Not Stefan! We will have to find out what happens next week in the season finale!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.