ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Birthday Party
It’s time for Marcus’s birthday. He doesn’t have a very good track record with parties though so Fiona says they are not going to throw him one this year. Will thinks that is crazy talk and insists they have one for Marcus. Fiona actually pulls out a notebook that documents all of the disasters that have happened over the years at parties for Marcus. Will insists, “Will at your party means fun at your party.”
Unfortunately the date of Marcus’s party conflicts with another kid’s party so no one has responded to the evite. Will takes Andy to the middle school with him to find out what is so great about this kid Mitchell’s party that is being held on the same day. Andy voices what we are all thinking; lurking outside a middle school is creepy.
They see Jackson, a cool kid, and talk to him. Mitchell’s party is going to have things like a game truck and a grilled cheese truck. A GRILLED CHEESE TRUCK! I’m not really sure what else was said about the party because – GRILLED CHEESE TRUCK! I now know what I’m doing on my birthday. Will is now more determined than ever to throw a great party for Marcus.
Will tells Fiona about Mitchell’s party but Fiona doesn’t grasp why that sounds like fun. Fiona says she wants to bring the kids together as one, let them be creative, by making non-toxic bubble shapes. They can whisper hopes and dreams into the bubbles before they release. Will can’t believe how much worse that is than anything he could have imagined.
Will talks Fiona into moving the party to a different day so there is no conflict. Unfortunately Fiona moves it to the same day as Dr. Sam’s gala. An event Will said he would attend with her.
It’s the day before the party and Will tells Marcus they got him a magician (Andy), four party guests and a cake with gluten, no sugar, but hey agave is good right? Marcus is fine with all of that as long as Will is going to be there. Will says he can’t make it. He tells Marcus about the gala. Marcus is crushed. So crushed he won’t open the gift Will got him until maybe later.
Will and Sam go to the gala. Sam looks stunning. Will is charming. Before they can start to mingle Will looks at Sam and says he can’t stay, he’s sorry. He has to go to Marcus’s party. Sam doesn’t understand why Will always has to leave to go do things for Marcus. Will says he is so sorry but – he leaves.
At the party Andy is doing really bad magic when Will shows up. The kids start to leave but Will says no, just wait. He tries to do some magic and that doesn’t go well either. Luckily Sam shows up in an ambulance. Marcus told her earlier his wish was to someday ride in an ambulance but not be too hurt as to not enjoy it. Sam, Will, Marcus and his friends go for a ride. Marcus says it is the best birthday of his life.
About a Boy airs Tuesday 9/8c on NBC