Tyler, Tyler, Tyler! Bonnie! Elena! It sounds like I’m doing roll call but Wow! The chanting Travelers have really made their presence known this season and this episode was no different. Let’s get down to it!
We begin with Tyler chained to a table and Maria (Julian’s wife) was on top of him kissing him. She thought it was Julian (The passenger inside Tyler) but it was Tyler. He played along to figure out what Markos’ plan was. He planned on taking Stefan and Elena that day. Tyler started to transform into hybrid mode and he wolfed out of there. Now that was a cool beginning to the show.
At Casa de Salvatore, Luke tried to do a locator spell to find Enzo (which didn’t work because Enzo is a ghost). Tyler came over to give Damon a heads up that Markos was planning to make his move. Damon came up with a plan to take a trip with Stefan and Elena so that Luke could do a masking spell that would keep them hidden from the Travelers. They stocked up on alcohol and headed to Caroline’s father’s cabin.
When they got to the cabin, Elena and Stefan were talking about keeping Enzo’s death a secret. Caroline saw them and got the feeling they were hiding something. She assumed they were flirting and she was bothered by that (maybe she has more feelings for Stefan than she is willing to admit). She walked towards the door but felt a presence and turned around, but nothing was there but Ghost Enzo.
Elena was unpacking and Damon couldn’t stay away. He apologized for Enzo coming after her and said he was going to find him and make him apologize to her. Awkward! Elena felt guilty and left the room. Damon thought she was acting strange but wasn’t sure what was up.
Jeremy and Bonnie were making out in her room. Jeremy expressed his concern for the Other Side and for possibly losing her. She told him Liv was working on a spell that would keep her here (which is a total lie, Bonnie needs to come clean). Jeremy got a text that Tyler came home so he went to get his stuff. Grams appeared to Bonnie and told her that things weren’t improving on the Other Side. She said people were still getting swept away and she needed to tell Jeremy the truth (thank you Grams!). Grams knocked over a lamp and Bonnie was amazed she was able to do it (because it wasn’t possible before).
Ghost Enzo was eavesdropping on Stefan and Elena while they talked about his death. Enzo got upset and hit a lamp and learned he could move objects. It was revenge time now! Damon was making drinks inside and Caroline was preparing for a game of charades (with the theme being secrets people think they got away with).
At Salvatore Mansion, Bonnie was bummed out that her romantic day with Jeremy turned into a boys club. Matt and Jeremy chained Tyler up and got Julian to come forward. Tyler wanted them to give him a drink mixed with vervain and wolfsbane to get him to tell them what Markos was up to. They tortured Julian/Tyler until Julian finally said he didn’t know where Markos was but he did know that Markos wanted to make Tyler’s body Julian’s permanent body. They needed to find Julian’s body to put a stop to it.
Back at the cabin, Stefan and Elena teamed up against Damon and Caroline in Charades. Stefan and Elena had an advantage and Damon started to agree with Caroline that something was up with them, so he suggested they play “Never have I ever.” They played a round or two, and then Caroline said “Never have I ever kissed a Salvatore brother…today.” Elena looked strange and then Damon said he never lied about Enzo’s whereabouts and looked for Stefan to say something or drink. The game was getting awkward so Elena decided to take a bath and go to bed.
Elena got in the tub and soaked for a minute before ghost Enzo grabbed her and held her under water. She struggled and screamed for Damon and he came. She told him someone was there and tried to drown her. He said it could be a ghost, but didn’t know why a ghost would be after her. (Mmm Hmmm…maybe if he knew the truth about Enzo, he wouldn’t be so puzzled).
Stefan called Bonnie to see if ghosts could touch or move things and she said they could now (after Grams’ lamp incident). Stefan knew it was Enzo targeting Elena. Caroline overheard his conversation with Bonnie and she figured out Enzo was dead. Damon came outside to them and was upset. After Elena’s scare in the bathroom, she told Damon the truth about Enzo. He would have gone off the rails, but there was a bigger problem to address. Luke was missing, and without him they couldn’t do the masking spell, which meant Markos could find them.
Caroline and Elena went in the woods to find Luke. Caroline was mad that Elena didn’t tell her the truth about Enzo. She understood why she kept it from Damon, but she should have told Caroline the truth. Elena was put off by the fact that Caroline was bothered when she thought she hooked up with Stefan again. She wondered where Caroline’s frustration came from.
Damon and Stefan were also looking for Luke and they got into it as well. Damon felt that he should have been able to tell that Enzo was dead. It bothered him that he didn’t know, and that they kept it from him. Stefan told him he really didn’t tell Damon that he killed Enzo because he was afraid Damon would hate him. They found Luke tied up in a shed and ghost Enzo decorated the place with gas. Ghost Enzo threw a light down and a fire started. He wanted to burn that shed down! Damon and Stefan stared at each other for awhile (which was strange. Why didn’t they use their vamp speed to get Luke and get out of there?). After the fire grew bigger, Damon told Stefan to get Luke but ghost Enzo had other plans. He shut the door and put a stake through Stefan’s stomach. Damon talked into the air to ghost Enzo and told him that the Other Side was falling apart and promised if he let them live, he would find a way to bring Enzo back. Ghost Enzo thought about it while Damon told Stefan to get Luke out of there since he was the only one who could do the masking spell. Ghost Enzo came around and let Damon go right before the place was engulfed in flames.
Jeremy and Bonnie went into a creepy looking cave to find Julian’s body. They found a bunch of Traveler’s bodies that had become passengers in other people. Maria (Julian’s wife) and some Travelers showed up. They started chanting (like they always do) and made Jeremy choke. Bonnie asked them to stop, but they took Julian’s body and left.
Back at the cabin, Damon punched Stefan in the face and told him it was for Enzo. Then he said he wouldn’t bring it up ever again.
Tyler (who was still chained up in the cellar at Casa de Salvatore) found out that the Traveler’s took Julian’s body. He started hallucinating and saw flashbacks of what Julian saw while he was in Tyler’s body. Tyler yelled, “Make it stop!” The Traveler’s had started the spell to make Tyler’s body Julian’s permanent body. Tyler bent forward in pain, his eyes went black, and he was gone. Julian came forward and said “I take it you didn’t find my body.” Uh oh. What’s going to happen to Tyler?
Caroline watched the shed as it burned and Stefan came to tell her they were leaving. She told him that she was hurt that he didn’t trust her to tell her about Enzo, but he trusted Elena. He told her that he didn’t trust Elena more and there were some things he told her that he didn’t tell Elena. He said he thought she had some chemistry with Enzo (which she quickly shot down) and he didn’t want her to be upset that he killed him.
Stefan left and then all of a sudden he was on the Other Side (I was so confused. What in the world is going on?). Damon was putting stuff in the car and tried to put some fire under Elena (pun intended) to get going, but for some reason when her life was in danger she thought it was a good time to talk. Dumb move Elena. Damon said he was fighting every urge he had so he wouldn’t go off the rails, and Elena was his motivation to keep it together. He was mad at her for lying to him about Enzo, but he still wanted to be with her. Elena didn’t seem to get it, so he kissed her. Breathless, she asked what the kiss was for and he said he needed it because he had a crappy day.
He went to finish packing up and Elena got a massive headache. The Travelers were approaching (and chanting-which is on my nerves at this point). Markos grabbed her and that was it!
What did you think about this episode? What is going to happen to Tyler? Bonnie? Elena? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on the CW.