Wow! Drama, death, and flashbacks (which I love). This was an Enzo-heavy episode and I loved it! A lot went down so let’s get to it!
We begin with Stefan helping Elena study (which was also keeping her mind off of the fact that Damon doesn’t want to see her anymore). Bonnie joined them to study (and also get her mind off of possibly dying). Bonnie told them that since she was the anchor to the Other Side, she would only be alive as long as the Other Side exists. If it went away, she would too.
Damon went to the bachelor pad looking for the Traveler knife (which Jeremy and Matt were looking all over the house for). Jeremy and Matt told Damon it wasn’t in the piano where Tyler said he put it. Then after Damon asked when they heard from Tyler, they realized it had been awhile (because Tyler helped Markos destroy the knife and is busy with a passenger named Julian inside him. Yikes!).
Markos had Tyler chained to see how much time Julian had before Tyler took his body back. Markos talked about breaking the curse that the witches put on the Travelers so nature would turn on them if they settled anywhere. They needed to undo the witch’s magic. Sloan volunteered and drank Tyler’s blood from his wrist and then Markos cut her throat so she could wake up as a vampire.
Enzo showed up for Elena’s study group and joined them even though he wasn’t invited. He told them about Maggie. There was a flashback scene showing her talking with him through his cell and he looked at her lovingly. Back to present, Enzo pulled out a picture that showed Maggie decapitated in the middle of the street in 1960 in Mystic Falls. He was convinced Stefan did it and wanted him to pay for killing his girl. The only problem was Stefan didn’t do it. He wasn’t in his Ripper phase in 1960. Enzo had Liv fry Stefan and Elena’s brains to get Stefan to fess up. He tied them up with vervain-laced ties and read them an entry from the journal that was found with Maggie’s Body. Bonnie secretly tried to text Damon, but Enzo heard her with his vamp hearing and decided to call Damon himself. He told Damon his suspicions and basically said he was going to kill one of them in so many words. Enzo told Stefan she was murdered on November 8th, 1960 which was election night.
Flashback scene: It was Nov. 8, 1960 and Stefan bit a woman and compelled her to forget. Another woman found him and knew exactly who he was. She introduced herself as Maggie and told him that she had been looking for Damon for two years because she found out that he caused the fire at Whitmore that she thought Enzo died in. She wanted to kill Damon for what he’d done, but Stefan wasn’t going to let that happen (even though he knew his brother was a hot mess). He used his vampire skills to hopefully scare her out of town, but he didn’t kill her.
Enzo wasn’t trying to hear anything but a confession, so he threatened to kill Bonnie. Stefan said he killed her (even though he didn’t) so Enzo would let Bonnie go. Liv took her upstairs and she said that she knew Liv was hoping Enzo would kill Elena or Stefan so the Travelers would no longer have their blood to help them (which would be a win for the witches).
Damon tried to get in touch with Caroline to find out where Stefan and Elena could be, but he couldn’t reach her. He met with Sheriff Forbes to see if there was a file on Maggie’s murder in 1960. There was a file and Damon remembered it well, because he was the one who killed her (of course he was).
Damon walked in as Enzo was torturing Stefan. He told Enzo that he was the one responsible for Maggie’s death but he didn’t know who she was when he killed her. Flashback scene: He met a woman who wanted to buy him a drink and interview him for the Whitmore newspaper. She asked him if he remembered the fire of 1958 and he said he did very well. She talked about how horrible it was and tried to vervain him with a needle. He grabbed her wrist and saw that the needle had the Augustine logo on it and then grabbed her by the neck. He held her in the air choking her until her head literally popped off in the middle of the street (no one noticed because they were watching the election night coverage which was unrealistic. Somebody should have seen it). He placed her bleeding head next to her bleeding neck and walked away. Gross.
Back in the present, Stefan couldn’t believe that Damon purposely made it look like Stefan “The Ripper” killed her. Damon was still mad that Stefan didn’t notice that he was missing for five years. Damon apologized to Enzo. Enzo didn’t want to hate Damon because he felt like then he really would have nothing, so he did the next best thing. He turned off his humanity switch so he didn’t care about anything, including Maggie. Enzo started breaking bottles and then he bit Liv on the neck. Damon tried to step in and Enzo stabbed him in the neck. Then Enzo threw vervain all over Stefan, grabbed Elena and left. Stefan knew he was using Elena to hurt Damon and hoped he wouldn’t kill her but thought that was his plan. Stefan fed Liv his blood to heal her and then he went to find Elena.
Damon called Enzo and left him a message saying he would go with him wherever he wanted to go as long as he didn’t hurt Elena. Elena and Enzo were walking down the street and she tried to tell him that she understood how he felt. He didn’t care and when she had the chance she tried to attack him. He knocked her down and snapped her neck. Stefan found them and threw him into a car. They fought back and forth for awhile up and down the street. It ended when Stefan grabbed Enzo’s heart and Enzo pushed him away so Stefan would rip his heart out. Damon wouldn’t be happy about that and Enzo knew it. Stefan didn’t want Damon to know Enzo died, so he texted Damon from Enzo’s phone and said, “Cape Horn it is.” Aw. RIP Enzo. I was just starting to get used to him.
Liv and Bonnie were talking about how to save the Other Side. Bonnie was hopeful that there could be a loophole or a spell that could change her fate, but Liv told her with Markos out, the spell would implode on itself. She told Bonnie that Jeremy loved her and she should tell him she was leaving and also to say goodbye to her friends. Poor Bonnie can’t catch a break.
Damon found Elena unconscious and carried her home but left before she came to. Stefan showed up to check on Elena and told her that he killed Enzo. He wanted to let Damon think Enzo left town and never returned his calls, because if he knew that Enzo died, he would be devastated. After some coaching, Elena agreed not to tell Damon.
Bonnie told Jeremy that she was hopeful that there was a way to fix the other side (and her death if the Other Side went away) when Stefan called to tell her about Enzo. He told her Damon couldn’t know Enzo died. Enzo appeared with Bonnie and told her that they would be seeing more of him and he passed through her.
Sloan (the Traveler who had previously drank human blood to become a vampire) woke up after drinking doppelgänger blood and wasn’t a vampire anymore. This meant that the Travelers could undo the curse that prevents them from settling in one place. Sloan went back to her human state (which was with her throat slashed) and she died. They needed a lot more doppelgänger blood so they could do that to any vampire that stood in the way of their new home.
At Casa de Salvatore, Damon told Stefan he was going to find Enzo and fix him because he felt responsible for him. Stefan told him to let it go because Enzo wasn’t worth saving. Damon told Stefan that Enzo was always the one who talked him off of the ledge. Whenever he hated Stefan for not finding him when he was locked away at Whitmore, Enzo was the one who told him not to. He reminded Damon that he was lucky to have a brother (even if he was a crappy one). After hearing Damon talk about Enzo, he was more convinced that Damon couldn’t know the truth.
Enzo’s ghost was there and heard everything. Even though Damon’s sincerity was obvious, Enzo didn’t care (even in ghost form he didn’t have humanity). Enzo wanted revenge and since the Other Side is falling apart there is no telling what he will be capable of. Stay tuned.
What did you think about this episode? What do you think Enzo is up to? Will Bonnie find a way to survive? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7 on the CW.