ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Kiss
You know how boys get all competitive and constantly have competitions the winner of which gets a championship belt. Will and his friend TJ are those boys. TJ is currently in possession of the belt after besting Will in basketball. Later Will has a chance to win it back but we will get to that in a moment.
Laurie and Andy are having a game night. Will does not want to go to any event thrown by Laurie and she is equally okay with Will not attending. However if he doesn’t go TJ can’t go because teams, even numbers, etc…TJ asks Fiona if she can go with him and she accepts.
Fiona wants Will to watch Marcus while she is at game night but after seeing the outfit Fiona has on – boobs everywhere – Will decides to attend game night himself. He is not okay with TJ and Fiona dating and he is going to be there to monitor the evening. Since Will has to find a date for game night, again even numbers, etc…Dr. Sam gets invited. She accepts.
Will gets to game night and pulls TJ aside. He wants him to leave Fiona alone. TJ won’t listen so Will says he has a crush on Fiona, can he just have her please. Because TJ is an ass he says no, but they can compete for her though. Winner gets the championship belt, which he is still wearing.
During a game of charades TJ is all over Fiona and Will loses it. He calls TJ out in front of everyone while forbidding Fiona from “doing TJ”. Fiona figures Will doesn’t want her dating one of his friends because he doesn’t want her around. TJ says that’s not it Will is in love with you. Of course that is when Dr. Sam gets there.
A mini-riot breaks out at game night. Will explains he said the whole love thing to get TJ to back off. He says she is too good for TJ. This is just a competition for him. TJ can’t believe he ruined their chances at sex. Will says he didn’t want to have sex with Fiona. He wants to have sex with Sam, although not as a conquest.
Game night is ruined. Sam and Fiona leave and Laurie kicks Will out.
Back at home Fiona comes over to tell Will he didn’t handle everything very well but at least he did think he was doing the right thing and for that she thanks him.
Sam shows up a second after Fiona leaves. She says it was a cool thing he did for Fiona. Also she has the championship belt. TJ left it at Andy’s. She thinks he was the better man tonight, so he should have it. Sam kisses him before she has to go back to work.
While game night is going on Marcus is at a new babysitter’s house. It is a lady that Fiona met at a dog shelter or something ridiculous. She has three daughters. It is very Cinderella. The two older ones are the evil sisters and the one Marcus’s age is clumsy, dresses a little odd and not as social as the older two.
Over the course of the evening Marcus and Katie (the younger one) end up getting forced to play truth or dare. They get dared to kiss and end up kissing to get the older sisters to leave them alone.
Marcus thinks he is now a man and he did get his first kiss 3 years before Will did so he may be on to something.
About a Boy airs Tuesday 9/8c on NBC