WAREHOUSE 13 Recap: Secret Services
Tonight’s episode of Warehouse 13 finds the team split to handle two separate stories.
Pete and Myka
At a gym in DC a lobbyist is talking to a Congressman one moment and the next is coughing up water. He continues to cough up water until he drowns. When Pete and Myka get there they meet up with Simpkins and Meyers, Secret Service Agents they have worked with previously. They are going to help Pete and Myka work the case.
Across town a Senator is in a parking garage talking on his phone. When he hangs up he also starts to cough up water until he drowns. Turns out he had dealing with the lobbyist that died earlier.
Adding to those two is one more death by drowning with no water around. A man who used to be a bartender, now a high end real estate agent, dies at his home. Pete and Myka think the hotel he used to bartend at sounds familiar and they go check it out.
The hotel was in the news a year ago. A lady disappeared after a night of partying with a Senator she worked for. The speculation from her disappearance caused him to lose the election, his wife and ultimately he killed himself.
After looking into it they realize her disappearance was faked. They go question the Chief of Staff of Senator who died in the parking garage. He is the Senator who ended up winning the election thanks to the other Senator being under suspicion of murder. She admits they used the story to win the election, they never thought he would kill himself though. While Pete, Myka, Simpkins and Meyers are looking through files the Chief of Staff takes the artifact out of a drawer. She uses it on Simpkins and after he tells a lie he starts to cough up water. Myka manages to use another artifact to stop the drowning while Pete finds files that show where the girl who was supposedly missing/killed is living now.
Pete and Myka manage to get to the house right after the Chief of Staff and stop her from using the artifact on the girl and herself. They neutralize the artifact and arrest her.
Claudia, Steve, Artie and Claire
Claudia isn’t going to let the fact that she has a sister go so Artie uses an artifact to take Claudia back into his memories. They see Claire in a classroom floating while a black cloud spins around her. She is using her mind to throw things around the class room.
The next memory is the day Claudia’s parents died. Claudia’s parents are trying to talk Claire into seeing a doctor but Claire doesn’t take it well. The black cloud starts spinning and she throws her parents into the car before throwing the car repeatedly into a tree killing them. Inside the house Claudia is sitting by herself. Artie, who was outside the house, comes in to see if she is okay. She tells him about a music box that Claire had. It is what is making Claire upset. She points to the fire where the music box is burning. Artie is impressed with Claudia’s ability to recognize an artifact at the age of 8. Mrs. Frederick who is there also says they will have to keep an eye on Claudia. She has sedated Claire and they have a neighbor coming over to watch Claudia until a relative can get her.
That is the last of Artie’s memories on the subject so Claudia tells him she wants to see Claire. They can go into her head and see if it was Claudia that threw the music box in the fire. Because the artifact burned and wasn’t neutralized Claire was never able to be rid of the terrible ability. Artie tried everything. Since nothing would work he put her in an artifact induced coma.
Artie brings Claudia and Steve to Claire’s body. Steve and Claudia go into Claire’s memories where they see Claire buying the music box despite Claudia objecting that it is bad. Then you see Claire fighting with her parents about going to the doctor. Claudia keeps telling them it is the music box that is making Claire mad. Black cloud starts spinning and Claire uses her mind to throw the music box into the fire.
Claudia and Steve come out of the memory and Claudia is relieved she isn’t responsible for putting her sister in this state.
Also in the episode Simpkins and Meyers make quite a few references to Pete and Myka’s relationship. They can sense the vibe they have. Pete and Myka of course deny it but there are a few moments where you can see they are thinking about what Simpkins and Meyers said.
At the end of the episode Pete and Myka are putting their artifact away when Pete tells her she is the most important person in his life and if she ever wanted to discuss having a child he would be willing to have that talk, seriously. It’s sweet.
Warehouse 13 airs Monday 9/8c on Syfy