THE VAMPIRE DIARIES: Resident Evil [Recap]
Welcome back The Vampire Diaries! After a short break, we are back in business! I want to start out by saying Paul Wesley did a great job directing this episode. What a great directorial debut. There is a lot going on (as usual) so let’s get down to it!
We began with Elena having a dream where she was writing in her journal. A page of her journal blew away and Stefan bent down to pick it up. They flirted with each other and then she introduced herself. Her vision was then interrupted by a loud car horn and Stefan was standing in the street because he was having a vision as well.
Damon and Enzo played pool in the Salvatore mansion and talked about Elena. Meanwhile Elena had another vision about Stefan. It was their first date and he walked her home after seeing a movie. They were at Elena’s house and the porch lights came on and she said her Dad turned them on (aw her parents were still alive in the vision). They kissed and Caroline snapped Elena out of the vision.
Stefan called Caroline and told her that he might be going crazy because he was having visions of Elena. She realized they both were having happy visions of each other and it wasn’t a coincidence.
Bonnie was getting frustrated because Jeremy wasn’t returning her calls. Grams appeared to tell her that something is off on the other side. The witches think the Travelers did something to Bonnie so someone could pass through and they are scared. Hello Markos!
Over at the bachelor pad, Liv wanted to make sure Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy didn’t have any passengers in their body. To test them, they had to stab themselves with the Traveler knife. She explained that her coven had been tracking Travelers for thousands of years. They always travel (no pun intended ) but every now and then they stop somewhere and take over the town one person at a time. She thinks that’s what they are doing in Mystic Falls. Uh oh.
Caroline called Enzo and he put her on speaker so Damon could hear (although couldn’t he hear it anyway with his vamp hearing?). She told them about Stefan and Elena’s visions. Damon didn’t like the sound of it, and Caroline said that Stefan went to the Traveler camp to see if anyone was still there to tell him what was going on. Damon told Caroline to find a witch and meet them as soon as possible.
Since Bonnie couldn’t get Jeremy on the phone, she went to the bachelor pad and Jeremy nervously told her that he hadn’t been in touch because he was moving (giving Jeremy the side eye). Liv walked out and Bonnie was not happy to see her there. Jeremy told her it wasn’t what she thought and she needed to trust him (even though he wouldn’t tell her what was going on).
Liv didn’t want Jeremy to tell anyone else about their plan to find out if the Travelers are taking over Mystic Falls.
Matt called Tyler and told him that he checked up on Sherriff Forbes (Caroline was concerned because her mother wasn’t responding to her texts and didn’t show up for lunch). He told Tyler to get there as soon as possible with the Travelers knife because her office was messy and it looked suspicious. As soon as Matt hung up, Sheriff Forbes was standing right behind him and she overheard it all. She stabbed Matt in the neck with a letter opener and that confirmed she had a passenger.
Matt found Bonnie, since he was temporarily dead, and told her to tell Jeremy Sherriff Forbes was in trouble and then he passed through her. He woke up on the other side in a graveyard and he saw Kol! Kol was surprised that Matt could see him (apparently they can’t see each other on the other side). Matt then figured if he could see Kol, he should be able to see Vicki.
Elena and Caroline went to casa de Salvatore. Caroline and Enzo went to have a drink so Damon and Elena could be awkwardly alone. You could tell they were fighting the urge to make out with each other and it was weird. Elena told him she wanted the awkwardness to stop and they should be friends. They started to talk about her and Stefan’s happy visions and luckily Luke showed up before it got any more awkward. He told them that Liv was busy so he came instead.
Tyler was peeking around the corner watching Sherriff Forbes and waited for the right time to approach her. He did and she talked with him normally until he told her that his mother said hello. She replied, “Send her my best, okay?” Yeah that was a failed test, so Tyler stabbed her with the Travelers knife, and someone appeared over him. Looks like Tyler was about to get his own passenger.
Luke told Damon he couldn’t stop the visions and wanted their help. He told them after centuries of being dead, Markos was back and in Mystic Falls. The visions were drawing Stefan and Elena together because the Travelers needed their blood for some prophecy. Their visions were also leading them to the Travelers if they paid attention to the clues.
Elena told Damon that the prophecy was a bunch of bull and the visions would stop once they found Markos. She had another vision. Stefan was cooking dinner and it was their anniversary. She opened a drawer and found a black box and she just said “Yes!” without opening the box. It was very romantic. They started to kiss and Elena knocked over some mail that fell to the floor. Elena snapped out of the vision and broke a glass she was holding. Damon was next to her and knew she was thinking of Stefan. Awkward! She told them she knew where Markos was. She gave them the address she saw on the piece of mail in her vision.
Matt was still on the other side looking for Vicki. She appeared and they hugged! Aw! He wanted to take her back with him but she declined. He grabbed her and they ran. It got windy and they were holding hands but got swept off of their feet. They were being pulled in opposite directions and she told him he had to let her go because she was already dead. She was sucked into the sky and he cried after she was gone. Poor Matt.
Enzo and Damon went to the address Elena gave them and Markos was there. He said the prophecy is that the doppelgänger blood can help the Travelers. They’re being drawn together by a spell he cast 1,500 years ago. He needed them to get together and using true love was the best way to do it.
Damon and Markos went for a walk in town. Markos told Damon that 2,000 years ago, Silas and Qetsiyah cast the immortality spell. It started a division in the Traveler community and allowed the witches to rise. They tried to keep the Travelers separated so they wouldn’t realize how much power they had if they were all together. Every time they found each other, some type of disaster took them out. The doppelgängers’ blood can help fix this.
Markos said he’d put an end to their visions to prove he isn’t their enemy. Damon got an eyeful when Marko showed him that the town is already full of passengers. They got together and chanted. The last vision Stefan and Elena had before the Travelers broke the spell was really touching. They had two kids, and they were so in love. The vision ended and Stefan and Elena were at the mansion. They could feel the vision being stopped and knew it was over. Stefan told her that he’d always love her, and she said she would always love him too. She asked if he thought she and Damon would ever be able to be friends. He said, “I think you can either be friends with someone or in love with them. I don’t think you can be both.”
Matt was still on the other side wondering what happened to Vicki when she got sucked in the air. Kol was there and asked Matt to return to his body and tell everyone what is happening on the other side before what happened to Vicki happens to everyone. Matt said he wouldn’t remember anything once he went back, and Kol told him he better figure out a way to remember.
Bonnie and Jeremy waited for Matt to come back to his body. Once he returned, somehow he did remember seeing Vicki and told them how she was sucked in the air.
Damon went to his room and Elena was there waiting for him. She thanked him for making the visions stop. She told him the visions were fantasy and not real, but what they shared was real. She told him she still needs him in her life. He told her he couldn’t be her friend. He didn’t want to see her or even hear her voice. She knew he was really in love with her. She stood there for a minute to process what he said, and then she figured if that is what he really wanted she would respect that and she left.
Caroline was on the phone with Tyler until her mother woke up. Sherriff Forbes didn’t remember what happened which is probably a good thing. Tyler hung up from Caroline and said to Markos, “We’re in.” The passenger inside Tyler talked about how Tyler’s body was incredible but once they took over the town it would be gone. No! We do not want Tyler to die!
Passenger Tyler gave the last Traveler knife to Markos and put it in a fire. He began to chant and the knife melted.
What’s going to happen now that the last Traveler knife is destroyed? Tune in next week to find out!
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.