ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Slopmaster
Will gets a royalty check and takes Andy and Marcus on a shopping spree. He picks up a margarita machine because as he puts it, “If you love something you lure it to your house with margaritas.” He is talking about throwing a party and inviting Samantha aka Dr. Sam. Andy isn’t sure this is a good idea. Guesses on if Will cares what he thinks?
Fiona is not amused with Will’s materialist ways or how amused Marcus is by it all. She is preparing to volunteer at Marcus’s school for the week running the mini-society. It’s like a social experiment/experience for elementary school kids. The classroom becomes a village of sorts and everyone has a job, blacksmith, king, etc…
At school the next day Fiona is randomly assigning jobs/positions to the kids. It comes down to Marcus and another girl and all that is left is King and Slopmaster. Marcus is saying things like, “No whammy!” and “Come to papa!” Fiona thinks he sounds too much like Will so she “randomly” draws slopmaster for him. He is not pleased. She feels a little guilty about it but not too much.
Later that day Marcus complains to Will. Will says he gets it, when he was an unemployed musician his life was pretty comparable to a slopmaster. Somehow Marcus doubts that is true. Will’s advice is to make something happen, figure out a way to rise about his situation in life. He’s sure Marcus can figure out a way to make that happen.
Marcus goes inside to look up ways to make money fast when he finds the template for the one pound note from the Bank of Mini-Society on the computer. He barely gives it a second thought before printing off 100 copies. For shame Marcus. For shame.
The next day Marcus puts his plan in action. He starts throwing his money around and even quotes Pretty Woman. I figure you are wondering how that comes up but it’s really quite simple. One of the shop keepers says no slopmasters allowed and he flashes some one pound notes and says, “Big mistake. Huge.” It’s rather funny.
That night Marcus takes all his wares and lay them out on the bed. He’s pleased with his haul. He manages to hide everything when Fiona comes in to congratulate him on handling the position of slopmaster so well. He is about to come clean, as the guilt is getting to him, but Will yells for him. Marcus runs to the dumbwaiter to see that Will has bought him a brand new iPad. Marcus is ecstatic. Fiona not so much.
Unfortunately Will doesn’t have time to hang around and bask in the glow of Marcus’s appreciation. Dr. Sam texts that she can’t make it to his party this Saturday. She has a double shift. He is so upset he goes down to the hospital and bribes the scheduling nurse to change things around so that Dr. Sam is free. The only time that will work is in four hours. Will calls Andy and says they are having a daytime party. Get to his house pronto!
Will throws the party together – sort of. Mariachi band and everything. Dr. Sam shows up and Will tries to woo her. Turns out he Googled her so they are having her favorite drinks and the Mariachi band is playing her favorite song. She is flattered by this. David Walton is hot so maybe when you look that good women are flattered when you basically stalk you.
Things are going great until Will accidently lets slip that he bribed the nurse so Dr. Sam would have some time off. Apparently this is where she draws the line at flattery. Now she is upset. He bought time with her, she feels cheap. Will doesn’t help the situation but saying it wasn’t a cheap bribe. He should have listened to Fiona when she told him money can’t buy everything especially not happiness. Will wants to stick around and convince Sam to stay but he sees one pound notes being printed on his printer and he realizes what Marcus did. He says he has to go save Marcus before his Mom finds out what happened.
Will doesn’t make it to school in time and Marcus is called out as the counterfeiter. His punishment is to be stoned with plastic toy bricks. Will gets there before the first “stone” is thrown. He says he is there to plead for Marcus, for mercy, because this whole thing is his fault. He never should have put materialistic ideas into Marcus’s head. Will reiterates that money can’t buy happiness, it sure hasn’t been helping him get the one thing he really wants. His speech falls on deaf ears, the kids throw all the blocks at him.
At the end of the episode Will helps Marcus scrape gum off the bottom of chairs as their real punishment for their part in the counterfeiting.
About a Boy airs 9/8c on NBC