THE GOOD WIFE – 5.17 ‘A Material World’ Ugly Words & Confrontations
Diane and Alicia share a drink following Will’s funeral. When the two ladies proceed to get delicately drunk, an idea rises regarding a potential merger. Well, well, wouldn’t that be incredible?
Diane goes head to head with David Lee in trying to smooth things along, however, as with all things related to Lee, chaos ensues. Not only is he creating a whirlwind with his latest divorce case, he and Damien are trying to get Diane removed from her position at the firm.
Alicia gets back to work right away amidst the better judgement of her colleagues. Whether she admits it or not, the loss hit her hard. Tensions with Peter are higher than ever and when she gets emotional arguing her latest case, she wisely takes a rest. sometimes you just need to go hope and crawl in bed to heal.
Kalinda is struggling with Will’s death and seeks sexual healing first with Carey and then with Jenna. Her dalliance with Jenna did yield some interesting information resulting Damien’s demise. Damien was a slippery sucker but Kalinda always gets her man.
The Good Wife is a show full of great lines and this week was no exception. There were great exchanges between between Diane and David in addition to Peter and Alicia.
David Lee: “You’re no Will Garnder, Diane. You’ll only hurt yourself trying to be.”
Dianne: Well, then were in for a lot of hurt.
Oh, Dearest David! I don’t know if you will survive Ms. Lockhart bringing out the big guns. She’s got an ace up her sleeve in the form of Kalinda, and if she had to choose, it wouldn’t be you!
Peter:” How many times do I have to tell you? When I cheated it didn’t mean anything.”
Alicia: “Well then that was a waste. Because when I cheated, it did.”
When the argument ended in “Were’e all they we have.’ a gauntlet was thrown.
Alicia decides that life is too short to waste more time on a failed relationship. She redefines their marriage to one only of convenience for their careers and all further personal ties would be severed.
My friends, this just got extremely interesting. We have a new potential love interest in the form of Finn Palmer (Matthew Goode) and a merger battle that brings Louis Canning back for more shenanigans.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com