SCANDAL Recap: Flesh and Blood
Let’s cover the two side stories from this episode of Sandal first.
Leo stoops to a new low and has a girl who goes to school with the President’s son get his DNA. She does it by sleeping with him. In exchange Leo is going to get her into Harvard. It’s very Old School. Do you remember in the movie where the Dean says he’ll get the girl into a good school for her help? Anyway, Leo heard a rumor that Fitz’s son might not be his son.
Leo calls Eli to get the President’s DNA so they can match or not match it against the DNA he has from the son. Eli tells Olivia what is going on and she heads over to the White House where she confronts Mellie. I should mention here that Mellie is drunk the whole episode. The entire episode. Andrew must have been really good that one time they did it on the table in that room with the sheer curtains in the hallway outside Fitz’s office. I’ve gotten side tracked. Olivia tells Mellie if one of her kids is Andrew’s she better tell her right now. When Mellie just keeps drinking Olivia tells her she knows Mellie let this secret out on purpose. Mellie agrees, she wants Fitz to burn. Correct me if I’m wrong but Mellie wants to be First Lady. I’m not saying what Fitz did was right. She should have gotten to do Andrew. But over the years all she has ever wanted was to be First Lady. So why does she keep trying to mess that up? She should be mad at Andrew for picking power over love. Then she lets it slip that it could be Big Jerry’s kid. She tries to take it back immediately and Olivia says she will handle it.
Also a very prominent Senator had a heart attack. Fitz is scheduled to deliver the eulogy at the funeral which is set to happen near the end of the episode and we will get back to that.
Now the main story, Olivia and Jake are fighting along with Fitz and Cyrus at OPA while Special Secret B613 Agent Tom keeps everyone else in the other room. Jake and Fitz are both not pleased with Olivia for closing B613 down. Olivia says they can use someone like Homeland Security to track down the bomb. Cyrus however makes a good point, if they let Homeland deal with it then its public record. Do they really want Mama Pope and her dealings to be public record?
Jake is so mad at Olivia he mentions, in front of Fitz, that she slept with him to get the info she needed. Fitz = not happy. Olivia = not happy.
Jake shows Fitz the person Mama Pope has been seen with. They immediately call in Olivia’s Dad. The bomb maker is Dominic Bell. He was Mama Pope’s handler and the only man she ever loved. The first thing the Commands do is call in Poor Quinn and Charlie. Charlie gets quote of the night with, “Command. Other Command.” after seeing both Jake and Eli in the same room. It’s either that or Harrison calling Eli, “Papa Pope”. Both funny.
Jake and Eli can’t agree on anything so Olivia’s Dad throws a tantrum of sorts. He basically stomps his foot and says if Jake says he goes. Olivia asks Jake to leave. While Jake leaves he lectures Olivia about what a manipulative person her Dad is. She looks shocked. As always I’m confused why that is. Her Dad is nothing but awful to her all the live long day. I’m with Jake on this one.
Know who else can’t get along? Charlie, Huck and Poor Quinn. It is their job to find Bell but Charlie and Huck can’t agree on anything. Well except their apparent love of Poor Quinn. Turns out Huck’s idea is better as he finds Bell and brings him in moments after Poor Quinn and Charlie say he is in the wind. Looks like maybe Poor Quinn picked the wrong crazy assassin to play house with.
Now that Bell is at OPA Eli starts to play Russian roulette with Bell so he will call Mama Pope. They hope to triangulate the signal from her phone so they can get her location. She says she isn’t going to help Bell. Instead she tells him goodbye and hangs up. She’s a cold bitch. Olivia’s Dad then shoots Bell in the head, in OPA. All the while Olivia is yelling for him to stop from the other side of the door. Jake did warn her. He’s not sorry he did it either. Sure he apologizes but it is in that way you apologize when you don’t really mean it. That, I’m sorry you feel that way, sort of apology.
Here is where things start to tie together. Abby takes a sample of Bell’s DNA and that is what they give Leo as a sample of Fitz’s DNA. Abby bribes the lab and they make a report that says the DNA is a match. Now no one will question anymore if Fitz’s son is really his or not.
That night Olivia calls Jake. He says part of his job is reading situations and people. He knows they were “together” last night. They were an “us”. It wasn’t just a job and he wants her to tell him she felt it too. Instead she tells him how her Dad killed Bell. She says it must be easier to feel nothing, like her Mother. She then says she loves Fitz. She did feel something with Jake though, and today it feels like betrayal. Poor Jake. He says it feels like a first step. He’s quite understanding, isn’t he?
It’s time to dump Bell’s body but again Huck and Charlie are arguing how it should be done. Having had enough of them and their, “bickering like little bitches” poor Quinn drives off to handle it herself.
When Poor Quinn gets back Huck is waiting for her in the parking garage. She asks Huck what he wants and he kisses her in return. She slaps him a few times and makes him say it, “I want you.” Next thing you know they are doing it on the hood of a car. It would be a good scene except it is Poor Quinn and Huck so there is some spitting and licking to go along with the ripped fishnets. That’s another thing, who wears 4” heals, a miniskirt and fishnets to dump a body?
They are so in their own disturbing world they don’t even notice Mama Pope going upstairs. She confronts Eli and shoots him before leaving. Olivia gets to the office not much later and finds him on the floor bleeding out.
Jake meanwhile is working with Rosen, much to Rosen’s chagrin. They found security footage showing Mama Pope leaving the Senator’s place. She killed the Senator because she knew Fitz would have to attend that funeral.
Jake calls Cyrus. He wants Cyrus to clear the church right now. Cyrus doesn’t call it in though because Sally is there, and if she blows up then that is one less person standing in the way of Fitz being President. He even goes into the Oval Office and stalls Fitz, all while smiling. He is a bad bad man.
The episode ends with Mama Pope activating the bomb on a 60 minutes timer while Mellie looks at the real DNA results.
Okay people, we are down to one more episode. That’s it, just the season finale. I’d like to see how this is all going to play out. Also how did Olivia become who she is with those two as parents? And does anyone else find it amusing that both Poor Quinn and Olivia are torn between two murderers.
As ABC so eloquently put it, “Watch it live on Thursday or hate yourself on Friday.”
Scandal airs Thursday 10/9c on ABC