ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Poker Night
The theme of this episode of About a Boy should be Will isn’t happy. You’ll see it pop up a few times.
First off Marcus got invited to his first sleepover. Fiona of course goes overboard; this is the first night they are ever going to spend apart. She packs all of his clothes, healthy snacks, a first aid kit and his dream catcher. Fiona drops Marcus off at his sleepover. He is quite optimistic that he is going to use this experience to expand his friend base. Fiona is just excited to have a night to herself. Being alone, however, gets old fast.
She is outside trying to meditate when TJ, one of Will’s friends, comes outside to pee. Guys. He invites Fiona to play poker with them and apparently she is something of a card shark. Will is not happy.
At Will’s it’s poker night and a Parenthood crossover. However Will’s friends aren’t ready to party all night, well maybe TJ. Andy however wants to be home by Colbert, Richard brought his own lumbar support pillow and Crosby brought his baby. Will is not happy.
When Fiona gets there she takes over. She has them doing yoga, eating hummus and veggies that she brought, and even starts doing shots with them. Will is not happy.
Will is so unhappy that he ends up insulting Fiona. He says her only friend is her son. She excuses herself to leave and TJ and Richard decide to go with her. At Fiona’s they continue drinking, before passing out, while Andy stays behind at Will’s to play Go Fish. Andy just wants to go home and Will lets him because this whole night as been a disaster for him. Will is not happy.
Over at his sleepover Marcus isn’t faring so well. The kids are jumping on the furniture and playing video games. They start watching scary movies and Marcus really doesn’t want to be there. He calls his Mom to come pick him up. Unfortunately she is drunk. Fortunately Will didn’t participate in the shot drinking so he drives Fiona. In the car she apologizes for ruining his poker night, she was just so happy to fit in for once.
When Marcus comes outside he tells them about the scary movies. Will asks him if he wouldn’t rather stay at the sleepover. He is trying to fit in after all and besides the scariest part of any movie is the sound. Will hands Marcus his iPod and tells him to listen to track 17, and not to judge him. It works. While the rest of the kids are freaking out over the movie, Marcus is listening to “MMMBop” by Hanson, as calm as can be.
About a Boy airs Tuesday 9/8c on NBC.