THE GOOD WIFE – 5.16 ‘The Last Call’ Alicia’s Remorse
We begin almost where we left off with Alicia receiving the call regarding Will’s death. The juxtaposition between her listening to devastating news while surrounded by laughter did not go unnoticed. It is a reminder that everything can change in an instant. Her response was like anyone’s would be, a mix between horror and denial. Well done, Juliana Margulies, well done.
This time Alicia chose Will over Peter and immediately left. Sadly, it was too little too late. Eli took over the podium for Ms. Florrick, and we have our tiny moment of laughter as he tries in vain to alter Alicia’s speech as it is presented to him on the teleprompter.
Meanwhile Diane, returns to the office and is tasked with delivering the somber news. “We have a situation at the courthouse. Will was shot.” In that delivery, we discover David Lee had a soul. Just moments before he was obnoxiously complaining about the delay and then things change. After receiving the news David quickly exits the room and falls apart. It was comforting to me somehow that Will meant something to Lee. It somehow makes
The sorrow didn’t last long as he was the one to push Diane into contacting Will’s clients to get ahead of the news. Diane understood and when one of Will’s major clients pushes for a meeting she grudgingly accepts. “It’s what Will would do.” Diane met with the disgruntled client and gave him his just desserts by firing him, but not before she blackballed him with any other firm in the area. Diane is simply incredible.
Cary is upset, he cannot find Alica and she is late for a deposition. When he hears the news from Ms. Florrick he tries to delay, but is unsuccessful. Cary is painted into a corner on this and agrees to continue without Alicia. The lawyer for the other side seeks advantage in this tumultuous time and was quickly shut down by Cary in grand style. Cary took all that anger from his grief and directed it to his opposition in grand style. Way to go Agos!
Alica spends her day trying to reconnect the events leading up to Will’s death. Mr. Gardner called her at 11:30 before the shooting and was cut short leaving her in the dark regarding his last words. She learns that ADA Finn Polmar was with him during those last moments and turns her attention into seeking him out in the hope for more information. When Alicia finally meets up with Finn he clears up her fears by letting her know he wasn’t angry with her.
Peter finds out what happened he contacts her via Eli’s phone when she dodged his calls. I don’t know what he hoped to accomplish, but the realization that the love is most likely gone had to smart. When Alicia returns home he tries unsuccessfully to comfort his wife. Alicia is already gone, she just hasn’t left yet.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com