Advanced Review: Continuum Season 3 Season Premiere
One of the cooler aspects of working for NiceGirlsTV as a columnist is that you get to watch screeners (not all the time but a fair amount of the time) of some of your favorite shows. I had such an opportunity over the weekend to watch the screener of the upcoming season premiere of the Canadian series Continuum that is heading into its third season.
However, when you watch a screener of a heavily-laced sci-fi series you have to let your imagination go because usually the cool video effects have not been added in to the pertinent scenes and you, like the actors, have to pretend what is actually in the scene. That can sometimes take away from the episode you are watching, but not in all cases.
In this particular case, the show has enough of a history by now that you can overlook the lack of special effects and focus on the storylines and the circumstances for which the characters find themselves. As any fan of Continuum will recall, the characters in the show found themselves in a very precarious predicament at the end of season two with Alec Sadler (series regular Erik Knudsen) attempting to use the time travel device to go back in time to save his fatally wounded girlfriend Emily (recurring guest star Magda Apanowicz) while sent-back-in-time cop Kiera Cameron (series lead Rachel Nichols) desired nothing more than to return to her own time and her family.
Without giving too much away from the season premiere, because after all that isn’t fair to the U.S. fans who have been waiting as patiently as possible for the show to return, I can say that things, of course, don’t go as planned. Alec gets his wish of going back to attempt to rescue his love while Kiera ends up in the hands of the Freelancers a group who – for a very valid although altruistic reason – are collecting the members of Liber-8 as well as Kiera herself to protect a future that is in great jeopardy.
The hour features Kiera attempting – with the unlikely help of Liber-8 member Garza (recurring guest star Luvia Petersen) – to escape their captors and set right what once went wrong (sorry, I had to throw in that Quantum Leap line for old-time sake). Whether she is able to escape and get the present back on track – so to speak – will have to be left up to your imagination; but the season premiere of Continuum is definitely going to be one hell of a ride and what comes after that will, assuredly, keep the fans of this Syfy series on the edge of their seats.
I should warn fans, though, that there will be several deaths in this episode; one in particular that will be very troubling and very little will be seen of Carlos Fonnegra (series regular Victor Webster), but hopefully his lack of screen time will be corrected in further episodes.
The third season of Continuum will return to Syfy this Friday, April 4 at 10/9c. Don’t miss out!!
- Garza and Kiera
- Alec and Kiera
- Liber-8 and Kiera Trapped
- Emily and Alec