I have to start by saying I loved Caroline and Stefan in this episode. Their friendship warms my heart and this episode showed how much she cares for him. We have a lot to cover so let’s get down to it!
We begin with Sloan using Stefan to link to his doppelganger Tom Avery so she could find out where he was. Stefan saw that he was at The Atlanta Metropolitan Hospital.
Elena woke up and tried to sneak out of bed with Damon after their break-up sex. Damon caught her (he was looking super hot with his sheet on). She had to go to Jeremy’s teacher conference. She told Damon that they made a mistake and he said they should make many more mistakes. Then he offered to make her naked breakfast (seriously who could say no to that?) but she willfully left to go to the conference.
Enzo and Caroline were at a diner in Atlanta when Sloan called to tell them where to find Doppelganger Tom. Caroline was ticked off that Sloan was still using Stefan to connect with Tom because it was frying his memory. She warned her that she would kill her too if she didn’t stop. Enzo practically laughed at Caroline’s threat.
Damon went to the Grill for some drinks and talked to Matt and Tyler about his problems with Elena. He didn’t want to talk to Stefan about Elena since she used to be the love of his life. While they were at the bar, Damon saw Jeremy sit down at a table with Liv (after she bought a bottle of alcohol) and thought it was a little sketchy.
Elena called Bonnie to fill her in on the break-up with Damon followed by hot sex. Elena was in line at the school waiting for Jeremy’s teacher conference. Bonnie asked about Jeremy and when she realized he didn’t come home, she wondered where he spent the night. She got to the front of the line and found out that she wasn’t listed as Jeremy’s primary contact, Damon was. He entered perfectly on cue and sat down next to her.
Enzo and Caroline went to the hospital to find out where Tom was. Enzo flirted with her a little bit but she didn’t pay him any attention. A doctor came and told them that Tom had disappeared four months ago and no one knew where he was. Back to the drawing board for them.
Caroline immediately called Stefan to tell him. Sloan put it on speaker and heard about Tom so she decided to go deeper into Stefan’s mind. Stefan saw a woman named Hazel thanking him for saving her friend and inviting him to dinner. Caroline could hear Stefan in pain and it was killing her. Stefan said the address Hazel gave Tom in his vision, and then told Caroline not to kill Tom because he was a good person. Sloan cut him off and told Caroline the clock was ticking.
While Damon and Elena waited to have the conference, Damon told Elena that he saw Jeremy hanging out with Liv. He thought Jeremy was cheating on Bonnie but Elena didn’t think so. She said he wasn’t a cheater. The teacher came in and told them that Jeremy needed a more stable home because he missed 11 days of school, started three fights, and was caught cheating twice in math (I guess he is a bit of a cheater). Elena told the teacher they would do better.
Enzo and Caroline arrived at the address and found Hazel (who was also a witch) in a trance. They couldn’t enter the house so Enzo broke the doorknob and threw it at her head and killed her. Wow! Now they could enter the house.
At Whitmore Bonnie was talking to Luke and Hazel appeared (since she was dead). She told Bonnie to tell Luke that she had failed. She tried to hide the doppelganger but they (assuming she was referring to Caroline and Enzo) found him.
At the Grill, Tyler was trying to eavesdrop on Liv and Jeremy but his hybrid hearing wasn’t working. Liv did a silencing spell so nobody could hear. She wanted to talk to Jeremy because he is a Hunter and can’t be mind-controlled by Travelers. Travelers are headed to Mystic Falls because Elena is the last living female doppelganger and if Jeremy wanted to keep her safe he would help her find out what they are planning to do.
Damon and Elena were in a hall at school and he pinned her to a locker and told her he wasn’t sure about their relationship, but what he was sure of was how he wanted to rip her clothes off and kiss every inch of her body so that others could hear them and be jealous! Well my, my Mr. Salvatore! Way to steam up this episode. Elena was definitely turned on but tried to fight it.
Enzo told Caroline he was trying to prepare her to kill the doppelganger because it would be hard for her once the time came. She couldn’t hesitate. Then they heard a heartbeat. They went downstairs and found Tom the doppelganger knocked out and hooked up to an IV. Caroline started to choke him and he woke up immediately. She compelled him to trust her and then she snapped Enzo’s neck and told Tom they were getting out of there!
Jeremy called Bonnie and told her Liv said Elena was in danger (Bonnie wondered why they were hanging out). Jeremy thought she was up to something and wanted to find Elena. Elena was in a classroom daydreaming about sexing it up with Damon. She got a little hot and bothered so she went to splash some water on her face. Liv showed up and pinned Elena to the wall. Then she grabbed a stake and said that her coven did everything they could to protect Elena but she was too dangerous now. She was about to stake her when Damon showed up and knocked her across the room.
Damon tortured Liv to find out what she was up to. After listening to them go back and forth about their relationship, Liv told them that Elena is the last female doppelganger and after that night Stefan may be the last male. If that happened, the Travelers would come for her and use her. The witches didn’t want that to happen. Damon wanted to kill Liv but Jeremy showed and asked him not to. He asked them to trust him and that she would help protect Elena. Damon thought it was crap but Elena listened to Jeremy and they left.
Caroline and Tom were at the diner and he was tearing up waffles like he has never eaten anything before. She compelled him to tell her about himself so she could be sure that he was a good guy worth saving, and from what we heard he was. Once she was convinced, she compelled him to get on a train and live a happy life somewhere else. They were walking to the car and Enzo came out of nowhere and snapped Tom’s neck. Wow! He told Caroline that she wasn’t the only one who made a deal with the Travelers. They told him they would help him find Maggie.
Luke arrived at the school and Matt and Tyler were there waiting for him. Jeremy had come up with a plan for Liv and Luke. They would help protect Elena in exchange for Jeremy, Matt and Tyler helping them stop the Travelers.
At the Salvatore Mansion, Jeremy told Damon and Elena that he was going to move in with Tyler and Matt (bachelor pad!). He wanted to be able to deal with his crazy life on his own. Elena didn’t like the idea but she didn’t really have a choice.
Caroline found Stefan in the junk yard. She felt bad that she failed Stefan (because she wasn’t the one who killed Tom) and that the Travelers were still holding him hostage. Stefan assured her that they never planned to let him go especially now that he was the last doppelganger. Caroline and Stefan snuggled up and rested so they could plan an escape. Their platonic friendship was so sweet but I am sure there were some people hoping they would hook up. We shall see how friendly they get in the future!
Elena packed her things to go back to Whitmore. She knew that she needed to be away from Damon because they were bad for each other. He wanted her to stay, but let her go (shouldn’t someone stay with her since she is in danger with the Travelers?)
The Travelers started their ritual. They drank Stefan and Elena’s blood and then Sloan set them on fire. As they died, they showed up with Bonnie and passed through her. It appeared to be too much for her because she passed out. Then a dark shadow came out of Bonnie and walked off. Looks like we will meet Marcos, the leader of the Travelers, next week.
So what did you think about this episode? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.
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