SCANDAL Recap: Glass Houses
There is so much going on in this episode of Scandal that I’m just going to take it story by story in no particular order.
First up the Grant kids are at the White House in order to be part of a live TV interview. Things don’t look so good though. Olivia does some digging and finds out Jerry is running an anti-Grant Twitter feed. Huck shuts it down and when confronted Jerry is mad they invaded his privacy. Karen is already mad at Fitz for cheating on Mellie. She blames him for everything. Things take a turn however when she walks in on Mellie and Andrew going at it. When Mellie tracks her down to say, “I don’t know what you think you saw” (why do people say that? Honestly!) Karen responds, “You were on your knees with Uncle Andrew.” As a side note what were Mellie and Andrew thinking? You are doing the President’s wife, in his house and you can’t be a little more clandestine than that? Or at least lock the door?
Anyway, the kids decide they aren’t going to do the interview. Fitz tells them to get it together, if not for him then for their mother. This prompts Karen to spill the fact that Mellie is awfully friendly with Andrew. What does Fitz do? He charges right down the hall and punches Andrew in the face. Then he has a big fight with Mellie. He wants to know how long this has been going on. What really bothers Fitz is after Mellie had Jerry she changed. She told him she wasn’t a sexual person anymore. He says he never would have strayed if his wife hadn’t have shut him out for ten years. Now he finds out it is just him she didn’t want. Mellie says Fitz has no idea what she gave up and looks like she is about to tell Fitz about the rape when Olivia interrupts.
Fitz snaps at Olivia and later tries to apologize. Olivia tells him just to figure out a way to fix his family in time for the interview. Somehow he and Mellie manage to do it and the interview goes off without a hitch.
Next up we have the gladiators looking into how B613 is funded. They look into every department’s budget but can’t seem to find out where the money is coming from. Olivia’s Dad calls her to tell her to stop messing around in B613 business. B613 will find out and that will not be good for her. However somewhere in the middle of the episode Jake stops by to visit Old Command and tell him to stay out of B613 business. After being threatened by Jake, Olivia’s Dad calls her to tell her how B613 is funded.
While the rest of the team was looking for B613 funds Harrison was looking for Adnan. She finally shows up at Pope & Associates. She wants immunity for the information she has on Olivia’s Mom. Abbey goes to get Rosen to make that happen (why she couldn’t just phone him to come over I don’t know) while Harrison stays with Adnan. Harrison almost immediately falls for her again. It might have something to do with how hot she is and how quickly she takes off her underwear. Anyway when Harrison has his back turned Adnan injects him with something and he passes out. While he is passed out she steals the President’s entire schedule, Secret Service, Motorcade route, etc…details off of Olivia’s computer. So Olivia’s computer isn’t password protected? What has Huck been doing? We will actually get to what Huck has been doing in a moment. First let me finish this – Adnan takes the information back to Olivia’s Mom and Ivan the terrorist Olivia’s Mom is working with.
Huck spends part of the episode beating up B613 agents in an attempt to get Command to call him back. He wants Poor Quinn released from B613’s employ. Command gets the message and sends Poor Quinn to meet with Huck. She tries to act all badass and runs her mouth. In the end though she ends up licking his face – better than when she spit on him – although it still is just a precursor for some more kissing by the two of them. She breaks the kiss off and pushes him away before walking away.
While we are talking about Poor Quinn let’s talk about Charlie. Poor Quinn tells Charlie how Huck was in her apartment. She leaves out the kissing part. Charlie doesn’t like it. He questions Poor Quinn about the specifics of her encounter with Huck. Those women, on crazy Lifetime movies, have nothing on Charlie’s level of jealousy. By the end of the episode he moves in with Poor Quinn. He doesn’t ask, he is just there with all his stuff unpacked when she comes home. He says it is to keep her safe.
We all remember what a bad guy Charlie is, right? I mean he’s attractive and witty and he lets Poor Quinn drill people but he’s not a good guy. Poor Quinn should be worried. Very worried.
Speaking of drilling people, Poor Quinn and Charlie have a man named Dimity in their custody. They get information out of him about his upcoming meeting with Ivan. Yes, the Ivan that is meeting with Olivia’s Mom and Adnan. Charlie and Poor Quinn give this information to Command so that while Adnan and Olivia’s Mom are having their meeting with Ivan, he is watching. Instead of taking them out though he decides to let it play out and see where it goes. Does that seem like famous last words to anyone else?
And earlier in the episode Jake stops by the Oval Office. Fitz wants Dimity back. They had eyes on him and B613 took him. Fitz argument is, “I am Commander In Chief” Jake counters with, “I am Command which means you don’t tell me to do anything because I’m not your bitch.”
Jake is about to leave when Cyrus walks by and hears Jake talking to Fitz. He comes in the office and tries to attack Jake. Fitz holds him back barely. Cyrus is pissed at Jake for killing James. He didn’t by the carjacking story apparently. Although the irony is Cyrus asked Jake to take out Publius before he knew it was James.
So there you go. So much craziness in one episode. What did you think? What are Adnan and Olivia’s mom up to? Can Harrison be done falling for Adnan and her antics? And while I like Jake with a backbone I do not like Jake when he is being Command. I wonder how long that will last.
Scandal airs Thursday 10/9c on ABC