PSYCH Series Finale Recap: The Break-Up
Shawn can’t go on like this, with he and Juliet traveling back and forth to be together. He is moving to San Francisco to be with her. All he has to do is find a way to break it to Gus. Gus is so happy right now he doesn’t know how he’ll do it. He has his dream job, and his dream girl works there. She doesn’t know him, but he’s been watching her. Kind of creepily, sure, but at least he’s found a good woman. He even has a nice car, much better than the blueberry. Shawn has his work cut out for him.
He first tries to talk to Gus at the station, but is interrupted before he can get the words out. There is a case, and Shawn jumps at the chance to avoid the talk. He thinks the trauma of a murder scene is the perfect place to just slip the info in, when Gus is already in shock. At the crime scene, standing over the body of Warren Dern, the victims best friend and business partner Ian Collins tells the story of their longstanding friendship. It gets to Shawn, and he starts ranting. After the meltdown, Lassie drags Shawn outside and reveals he knows what Shawn is trying to do. He advises him to take Gus someplace happy to soften the blow. Shawn hugs Lassie, which prompts Lassie to threaten to shoot him. It’s still quite an aww moment.
At the morgue, Brannigan is doing a better job of debriefing than Woody. She’s a one woman crime fighting machine, despite the fact that Lassie is pushing her to pick a junior partner. She shows a map of an area she narrowed down from clues on the body, and determines the victim was digging for something. Gus tells Shawn she’s going to make them obsolete, and it looks like she already has. Everything Shawn deduces, she’s always a step ahead. They don’t find much at the digging site, but they can tell someone was there. Brannigan figures out there was someone with Dern based on size of footprints, and she soon identifies the second person with the help of some business cameras along their route. They go to the man’s hotel to arrest him but are too late. When they enter they find the mysterious man dead on the floor.
Shawn talks to Gus’s dream girl, Love. Love is her middle name. Shawn thinks she will be great for Gus, unfortunately she has no idea who he is. It might take a little work to secure Gus’s future at this rate. While Shawn enjoys the wonderful food available in the cafeteria of Gus’s new company, he overhears a conversation between Gus and his boss. It sounds like Gus has big plans and hopes for the future, plans Shawn didn’t know anything about…Gus wants a home, kids, the whole shebang.
Shawn pays Henry a visit to seek advice. Henry is going to help out a friend by teaching a college class. Shawn helps him get his head straight about it, and Henry helps Shawn figure out how to face his problem. A father/son hug ensues…briefly. Shawn thinks he and Gus need to solve the case, the professional high will help lessen the sting when Shawn says what he has to say. He and Gus return to the scene of the murder, and Shawn remembers a case they saw when they were there earlier. He thinks it must be a gun case. After a quick search, Shawn finds a hidden map. They were digging in the wrong place before, so they return to the woods with a shovel. This time they don’t leave empty handed, they find a body that appears to have been dead for quite some time. Gus runs away, screaming like a little girl.
They later visit Woody and learn the body they found in the woods was a man named Chris Cheramie, a land speculator who was to attend a land auction three years earlier but never made it. The last persons who saw him, Warren Dern and Ian Collins. Shawn and Gus dance, they know who the killer is now. It’s Ian. Woody is laying claim to the guys jacket, it has a small stain on it anyway. He thinks it’s from brakes. This resonates with Shawn, he and Gus go to the impound lot to see the Dern’s car and they find the gun hidden in it. Later they walk through their old school yard, Shawn thinks it might help to take Gus somewhere they had happy times. He tries to break the news to Gus that this is their last case, but before he can tell him why he is once again interrupted by Ian Collins. This time the guy has a gun.
Ian disputes what Shawn believes happened to Cheramie three years ago. He buried Cheramie, but Warren hid the gun, then he used it for leverage against him. Ian hired a hit-man to kill Warren, but Warren told the hit-man about the murder weapon and wanted to join forces to blackmail Ian. The hit-man killed Warren anyway so he wouldn’t have to share. It didn’t work out so well, though, because Ian then killed the hit-man. With Ian still holding a gun on them, Shawn throws flax seed in his eyes so they can get away. Lucky for he and Gus that Shawn took such a liking to the stuff that he stole a pocket full of it from Gus’s cafeteria. They run, with Ian in close pursuit. The school doors are all locked, so with nowhere else to go Shawn and Gus steal a Drivers Ed car. For a while both Shawn and Gus drive, the benefit of having a Drivers Ed car with two steering wheels, but Shawn soon has Gus take over so he can call for backup. The timeliness of the call helps Henry as well, he’s trying to convey to a cocky student that it’s impossible to learn about real police work online. Henry takes his students out for some real world experience. They park Henry’s truck and set up a position just in time for Henry to take a shot at Ian as the chase passes by. Not only did Henry save the day, but the students now love him.
Shawn resorts to telling Gus goodbye in a video. It’s the only way he can get the words out, and Gus is visibly moved as he hears it. Shawn believes he has kept Gus from the life he wants and deserves. He tells Gus he loves him. Gus looks as though he may cry. He goes to the Psych office to talk to Shawn, but he’s already gone. Henry is there, apparently measuring the space. Looks like Henry has figured out his next chapter in life. Everyone else at the station are viewing their Shawn videos. Lassie turns his off and breaks it so that he doesn’t hear Shawn finally confess that he is not a psychic. It’s better left unsaid. Brannigan finally chooses her partner, McNabb. He’s moldable, she thinks she can turn him into another Lassiter. McNabb appears excited and humbled over his good fortune. Things are working out for the best for everyone.
In San Francisco, Shawn surprises Juliet at a crime scene. Just as Vick is chastising him for showing up there, Gus also appears. Shawn is surprised to see him. Gus tells him he was about to make his first presentation when he found the CD. He walked out on his job. He didn’t mean the things Shawn overheard, he was lying. He realized he still has the same job he had before and he quit. Oh, and his dream girl sprayed him with mace when he tried to kiss her. His friendship with Shawn is more important to him, and if he has to live in another city to keep what they have then that’s how it will be.
Chief Vick breaks it to them that they already have a guy who does what Psych does. It sounds like it’s Monk. Shawn might have a tough time upstaging him. With the move all settled, though, there is one more thing Shawn needs to take care of. He has waited long enough, he spills his heart to Juliet…Gus helps him a bit, sort of. In typical fashion, Gus is a part of the biggest moment of Shawn’s life, it wouldn’t feel right any other way. With all the back and forth, when the proposal finally comes out, Juliet isn’t sure which one of them to answer. She says yes, though. Before Shawn can put the ring on her finger, a thief grabs it, jumps in a car and flees. Shawn, Juliet, and Gus jump in the Drivers Ed car and pursue the thief. It’s a different city, but it’s clear that wherever they go they will be still be facing adventures together.