VIKINGS – 204 ‘An Eye For An Eye’ Family Reunions & Crucifixions
King Ecbert decides his son, as hostage in exchange for one of equal value from the raiders. I smell a rat. The King is many things, but stupid is not one of them. The switch is successful and Ragnar is delivered to the King.
Ragnar is a bit taken off guard when the conference consists of bath time. The Viking quickly recovers and a deal is somewhat made. Land in exchange for peace.
Upon his return, a ship arrives bearing the sad news of Jarl Borg’s attack. Ragnar immediately prepares to leave at first light leaving Horik and Athestan behind. The once priest is full of surprises and I’m sure Ragnar won’t soon forget the slight. Floki, ever true, leaves with Ragnar.
Those left behind soon learn the error of their ways when Eckbert’s men attack. Athestan survives, only to be crucified, then saved by the King. I am sure that his rescue was not out of the kindness of his heart. When Eckbert finishes with him, Athelstan may wish for his death all over again.
Bjorn and Largetha hear of Ragnar’s plight and are moved to intervene on his behalf. Lagertha speaks with her husband about the possibility and it does not go well. When he attacks her, the new husband makes a grave error. Somewhere along the lines the man forgot Lagertha was a Shield Maiden first and she becomes her own knight in shining armor by rescuing herself. Go Lagertha!
Ragnar reunites with Auslaug and his children, meeting his newborn son for the first time. Rollo delivers the grim news regarding their lack of support. Just when they feel all hope is lost in rides Largetha with warriors to fight.
Their family reunion is tender and sweet. I wonder if Auslaug feels the same?