This episode had quite a few twists. The new witch Liv (and her brother Luke) brought some spice to the episode as well as Enzo and the Travelers. Let’s get down to it!
We begin with Elena dancing on a bar doing shots with Caroline, Matt, and Jeremy. She took off her shirt and threw it at them (I was thinking are they having a Girls Gone Wild episode or what). Then she jumps off of the bar and starts telling her friends that they should have known it was Katherine because she wouldn’t dance on a bar with her underage younger brother. She was upset that they didn’t realize Katherine took over her body sooner. Then Elena woke up in her dorm and it was a hallucination/dream.
She went downstairs and Stefan told her that campus was basically empty for spring break and she had been out of it since she first woke up. Elena was sealed in the building (thanks to the new witch Liv) because she had a lot to find out about the past three weeks- mainly her new appetite. Caroline was looking for the antidote, and they planned to keep Elena under wraps until her hunger was under control.
Elena asked to speak to Damon (who was still in the basement of the Salvatore Mansion) getting minimal vampire blood. Jeremy and Matt had Damon babysitting duty. Elena called Damon from a pay phone in the dorm and told him she still wanted to fight for him. Damon told her after they were cured he was going to give her “the most mind-blowing night of her life” (I bet he would). She told Damon about the mess Katherine made of her life and she needed to fix some things. Stefan came back with a new phone for Elena (she couldn’t get in to her old phone because Katherine put a pass code on it) and a small bottle with 4 ounces of his blood in it to keep her satisfied. She drank it, but wanted more.
At Dr. Wes’ lab, Caroline bumped into Enzo and he told her that he had the antidote. She didn’t really trust him, but she called Stefan and told him that the Ripper virus (Elena’s version) now had werewolf venom in it (that would explain Elena’s hallucinations). She did have good news but she would only tell him at a secret location. Stefan questioned what was going on, but she told him to trust her and meet her at the location because The Travelers were involved and they didn’t want any witches to find out about it. Stefan was set to go when Elena asked him why Katherine stayed in Mystic Falls, and she figured it was because she wanted Stefan. She asked Stefan if they had done anything and he told her they kissed but he pulled away and after awhile, he figured out it was Katherine.
After Stefan left, Elena left Aaron a message telling him she hadn’t been herself lately and asked him to call her. She found Katherine’s journal and read about Katherine trying to seduce Stefan in the hotel. Then she had a hallucination of the incident but it was much sexier and she was in it. She and Stefan were getting hot and heavy and then she pushed him away and wondered why he didn’t realize it was really Katherine. She was about to leave and Damon showed up and had a few words with Stefan. Elena piped in that Katherine was getting what she wanted, even dead. She was coming between them. Stefan hinted to her that Damon was keeping something from her and then she snapped out of the hallucination. She noticed blood on the journal and realized it was dripping from her nose.
Stefan, Caroline, Enzo and the Travelers met at a deserted train yard. Stefan wanted to know why they were there. Enzo explained that when Dr. Wes took him, he made an antidote of the first Ripper virus and gave it to the Travelers. Since Elena is a doppelganger, she is valuable to them and they are willing to use Dr. Wes’ research to find a cure for Elena. All they wanted in return was to use Stefan to find his doppelganger (how many does he have?).
Elena called Damon and told him how she was slowly dying because of the werewolf venom in her strain of the virus. He wanted to be with her but he knew he couldn’t. He tried to distract her by telling her about Caroline and Klaus hooking up and she couldn’t believe it. Then she started coughing up blood. She told Damon she didn’t understand why Stefan wasn’t out looking for Dr. Wes and the antidote. Damon told her he wouldn’t find him because he had already killed Dr. Wes. Elena was shocked and sad for Aaron, with that being his only family (not knowing that Aaron was also dead). Damon had another chance to tell her that he killed Aaron, but didn’t.
Back at the train yard, Enzo explained to Caroline and Stefan that the leader of the Travelers, needed the blood of the last two living doppelgangers, which he has. The problem is it won’t work until they kill Stefan’s doppelganger.
Elena had another hallucination where she talked with Aaron and saw that he was bitten. She figured that he must be dead and then she thought she (as Katherine) killed Aaron! She was a mess when a nice guy (not a hallucination) came to the dorm and claimed he met her at Bitter Ball. His name was Luke and he said he came back from Spring Break early because he broke up with his boyfriend in Mexico. He invited Elena out for drinks but all she wanted to do was turn him and drink his blood. She was about to bite him when she noticed bite marks on his neck and she assumed Katherine had been feeding on him. She compelled him to get Bonnie and Liv to come and let her out of the dorm.
Elena called Damon and told him that she killed Aaron and wanted him to tell her the truth. She was very upset and he tried to calm her down but she kept screaming how everyone was lying to her. She was convinced that she killed Aaron. She had a meltdown and threw the phone down and hung up on Damon. Damon wanted to get to her ASAP. Matt came in to give him his dose of vampire blood and of course Matt fell for one of Damon’s tricks. Damon grabbed Matt and took off his ring and told Jeremy he would kill Matt if they didn’t let him go see Elena. He promised Jeremy that he would never hurt Elena but she needed him before she hurt herself.
Stefan agreed to do the linking spell the travelers wanted to do in order to save his brother and Elena (Caroline was ready to attack them all instead). Caroline stayed with Stefan for support so Enzo left with the antidotes for Damon and Elena and promised to get the doses to them (I can’t believe they trusted Enzo with such a big task).
Stefan sat down so Sloan (a Traveler) could do the spell. All the Travelers started chanting for awhile and Stefan looked like he was in pain. Caroline wanted to know why it was taking so long and she worried about Stefan. Sloan got connected to his doppelganger and found out that he was an EMT in Atlanta. That wasn’t enough information for Sloan and she wanted to continue but Caroline shut it down. She put a knife to Sloan’s throat and said they could find a way to work it out without hurting Stefan anymore.
Bonnie and Liv got to the dorm and found Elena burning everything Katherine had. Elena was still having a meltdown and Bonnie told her that she was letting Katherine win. Elena wanted to leave the dorm, but Bonnie said she couldn’t be in public when she was sick. Elena agreed that Katherine was winning and stormed away. It was all just an act and Elena threw a stake across the room and it went right into Liv’s stomach. Now they would have to let her out so she could heal Liv with her blood. If they didn’t Liv would die. Wow! Ripper Elena isn’t playing games.
Elena was walking around campus when she had another hallucination. She saw Aaron and was relieved that she didn’t kill him, but in reality it was Damon. He gave her some of Stefan’s blood and she went on and on about being a monster for killing Aaron, and Katherine got what she wanted. Damon finally told her that he killed Aaron, not her. She was trying to understand but Enzo showed up with the antidotes.
Caroline sat next to Stefan and waited for him to wake up. When he did, he looked at Caroline, and said, “Hi Rebekah.” Caroline looked concerned and then he called her Lexi and she knew he was teasing her. Hilarious! Caroline explained that in order to save him, she agreed to go with Enzo to kill his doppelganger. Only one of them could be alive and she wanted it to be Stefan. Stefan wanted to tag along, but the Travelers needed him there so they could stay connected to the doppelganger. Stefan was a little worried about her being on a road trip with Enzo, but Caroline is a big girl and can take care of herself.
Bonnie dropped Liv off and told her if the magic was too much for her, she understood if she didn’t want to have anything with it. Liv told Bonnie she loved it and wanted to continue learning from her. Liv went into her dorm room and lit all the candles magically in one try. Luke was there waiting for her and we find out he is her brother. This is where it gets interesting. He told her how Elena tried to compel him and he can’t be compelled. They talked about Bonnie being the anchor and she told him how cute it was that Bonnie thought she was teaching her magic! What???? They were going to use Bonnie for something, but what? Then Luke said that Bonnie wouldn’t think her magic class was cute once she realized her friends were in danger. What in the world is going on now?
At the Salvatore Mansion, Elena wanted to talk to Damon about everything. She said he should have been the one to notice Katherine was inside her. He knew that, and if he figured it out sooner everything would be better. They wouldn’t have had the virus and Aaron would still be alive. He owned up to it, and admitted the power she had over him. Elena pointed out that through everything she learned she was still there with him and that proved how much power he had over her. They both knew they were in a toxic relationship and it needed to be over. Damon told her to stop loving him and she said she couldn’t. They decided their relationship was over and broke up. They stared at each other for a little bit and then BAM! It was on! They kissed and ripped shirts off. Damon made promise on his “Mind-blowing” night. That’s how you break up if you’re going to do it.
What did you think about this episode? What do you think Liv and Luke are up to? What do you think about another Stefan doppelganger? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs on Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.