ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Girl
I’m watching this week’s episode of About a Boy and I think to myself David Walton is hot. I don’t feel I’ve said that enough in the last few recaps so I’m saying it now. HOT.
This episode is about Marcus getting an invite to Hannah’s birthday party. Hannah is his lab partner and according to him his soul mate. Since being himself isn’t working Will suggests he try being a bad boy. That is what girls like. His attempt at being a bad boy includes running with his shoes untied (not at full speed mind you) and ignoring Hannah when she is doing a science experiment in class. The latter causes a chemical mishap that sends Marcus to the Principles office. When Fiona gets there she manages to get a pity invite our of Hannah’s mom for the party.
Now let’s back up a moment. Cello Chick is back in this episode. Her actual name is Dakota. She and Fiona are becoming friends and so Dakota is spending more and more time over at her house. Will thinks he still has a chance with her and he may be right. Every time she sees him she gets a little less adamant about not wanting to sleep with him.
The fact that she is turning him down at all is just too much for Will and he goes over to her apartment. She doesn’t answer the door so he makes an impassioned, semi-heartfelt speech about how he has changed. Turns out he was at the wrong door. Thankfully, for him, Dakota was listening from her apartment. She pulls him in and they are about to do some table top aerobics when they realize Marcus is going to be made fun of at the party. You’d wonder how this would come up as a precursor to sex but it does and Will says he has to go to the party to save Marcus. Maybe he has changed.
At the party Dakota and Will find Fiona. They pull her aside and all look at Marcus who is standing by himself and generally not fitting in. Will distracts Marcus while Fiona and Dakota try to talk some compassion into Hannah. They want her to dance with Marcus, just once. Use her popularity for good. She declines. However later when Marcus asks her to dance she thinks for a second and says yes. He is a good dancer and some of the other girls look mildly impressed.
Later that night Will is about to get Cello Chick back where he wants her when she quotes Fiona, “She needs to take a Nomadic Year void of men.” Will is left shirtless and alone. Poor Will.
About a Boy airs Tuesday 9/8c on NBC