Its boy’s night and Will and Andy are supposed to go bowling. Andy takes a moment before leaving the house to ask Will be his youngest sons Godparent. Will declines much to Andy’s dismay but really what did he suspect? Before getting to their destination Andy has to go back home. Will still wants to go bowling so he calls EVERY person in his phone. No one can go so he takes Marcus who is completely ecstatic to be out with Will. Marcus however bowls a lot like I do, he’s terrible. It’s all gutter balls.
Andy shows up at Will’s house later to say he can finally go out now only to find Will still out with Marcus. Fiona hears him knocking and comes outside to talk to him. They do some bonding over kids while drinking bad wine. Next thing you know Andy is fixing things around Fiona’s place and there is some toenail painting going on.
Will brings Marcus home to find Andy venting to Fiona about how Will brushed off the Godfather offer. Andy is a little drunk and stumbles home. The next morning Fiona is in Will’s kitchen listening to him vent about how Andy is no longer fun. He both sucks and blows as a friend. Fiona accuses Will of making his friendship with Andy all about him.
Will must have taken some of what Fiona said to heart because he heads over to Andy’s to accept the position of Godfather. He is told the offer has been rescinded and Andy’s wife wants to kick him out of the house. Oh but Will isn’t going without a fight. When Andy’s wife insists Andy was so distraught over Will’s treatment of him he stayed in bed all morning, Will sets her straight. He says Andy was hung over from all the drinking he did with Fiona. Andy’s wife is pissed. She might be more upset that Andy fixed Fiona’s cabinet then that he drank the night away with her.
Will, Andy and the kids are out taking a walk when Andy pretty much accuses Will of the same thing Fiona did. Having a one sided friendship. Turns out Will can’t even name Andy’s kids. The only reason he remembers the youngest name is because he borrowed it when he was trying to get laid by Cello Chick. Andy leaves Will with, “You may be my best friend but you aren’t a good friend.”
In an attempt to “win back” Andy, Will goes over to offer to babysit so they can go out for a few hours. Andy thinks it is a great idea but his wife says absolutely not. Andy talks his wife into hanging out upstairs while Will watches the kids downstairs. She starts throwing instructions at him like a drill sergeant. He cuts her off and Andy has to drag her back up the stairs.
After gathering the kids, Will sticks post-it notes with their names on their foreheads and has a talk with them like they are going to listen. They don’t listen and he ends up chasing them around the house before getting them to watch cartoons. Upstairs you may wonder what Andy and his wife are doing, I’ll tell you. They are watching Homeland. I can’t blame them for using their free time for that.
At one point Will has to actually sit with Andy’s daughter while she goes to the bathroom because she is scared to be in there by herself. She asks him to sing, like her Dad does, and he is doing a rendition of Pop Goes the Weasel when Andy and his wife hear and peek their heads out of their room. They can’t believe how great Will is being. I can’t help but wonder where the other two kids are.
The episode ends with Will holding Jonah while Andy tapes Will saying he will better himself so he can be a better Godparent. He refuses to read everything they wrote and hands them back the baby before taking off. Baby steps.
About a Boy airs 9/8c on NBC