STAR-CROSSED Recap: And Left No Friendly Drop
Correct me if I’m wrong but in order to be star-crossed lovers you have to in fact be lovers. Whether it is secret meetings to recite poetry from the days of Shakespeare or the more base meaning. So Roman and Emery occasionally glancing at each other isn’t cutting it for me. They haven’t done or said anything to make me think of them as lovers. All they are is star-crossed. Here endeth my rant.
Roman’s family pod is being ransacked – someone reported them as having restricted technology. The guards leave without finding anything but as soon as they leave Roman’s Mother pulls a cell phone out of its hiding place. She found it in her husband’s things after he died. They aren’t allowed cell phones and Roman’s Dad was law abiding so…
Roman’s Mom couldn’t get the phone to work so she gives it to Roman who says he will get rid of it – outside the Sector. The next day at school Roman catches up with Julia. He gives her the phone to find out what is on it. Emery sees Roman and Julia talking but he takes off before she can join them.
In Atrian Biology 101, which is a class I guess, the conversation turns to sex. Because what high school health class doesn’t, right? And wouldn’t you know Taylor takes that opportunity to do some flirting with Drake. Endurance is questioned, you know the norm. At this rate those two will be lovers before anyone else on this show.
After class Emery finds flowers on her locker with no card, her friend Lukas points out they are star gazer lilies and suggests maybe they are from Roman. He doesn’t have time to do anymore speculating because Julia asks him if he has a moment. As Lukas and Julia take off Grayson stops by. The lilies are from him as an apology for his parent’s behavior. He promises to never lie to her again. That always ends well. Always. At least she doesn’t accept his apology…yet.
While Roman and Julia are watching Lukas do his Master of Technology thing with the phone Emery is talking to Sophia. Sophia is looking at pictures of the swim team and commenting how she has never been part of a team. Emery listens to Sophia lament that she hasn’t been in the water to swim since they got to Earth. Next thing you know Sophia is in the swimming pool swimming like a fish. She doesn’t come up for air once and when she is done she has beat School Bullies record. He is obviously rude and snide about it while everyone looks on.
There is quite a debate about letting Sophia on the swim team. School Bully says they should just allow dolphins on the team, because he’s a thinker. Roman says Sophia wouldn’t be safe and it’s a bad idea. Shocking. Emery fights for Sophia(again with the sarcastic “shocking”) as does Grayson. In the end the lady who is running the integration program says she will talk to the board.
It looks like Grayson’s acceptance of Sophia has helped immensely with Emery. He swears Emery can trust him. Then he says he is not a Red Hawk. What happened to never lying to her? She is fooled and accepts his invitation to have dinner with the swim team at the local hangout.
Lukas pulls Roman aside to tell him the only thing on the phone was texts to one other number. It just had dates and times, probably how they set up secret meetings. There was also one video file; it was encrypted though so that will take a little time to unscramble. Roman gives Lukas the phone to hold on to.
While eating their pre-meet dinner School Bully is pissed because Sophia is going to be allowed to swim. Grayson doesn’t listen to too much of what he has to say because Emery shows up. Grayson calls their dinner a date and Emery smiles. She sure does forgive easily.
The next day people are rioting outside the school. Sophia even gets Glee’d. That’s a thing right, when people throw slushies on you. Roman manages to get her inside the school. There the head of the integration program, I will learn her name soon – I promise, gives the Atrian’s a little American History lesson. She tells them about Jackie Robinson and how you have to rise above. No matter how difficult that is. Teri is a little Bitter Betty about everything but Drake stands up for Sophia and they all decide to behave.
In the computer lab Lukas plays the decrypted video for Roman. They only get a few seconds in when the Integration Lady and guards come in and take Roman to her office. She tells Roman she knows it was his Father’s phone but he has to let this go. She smashes the main chip and sends him on his way. Outside the office Lukas is waiting for him. Roman isn’t done yet, he wants Lukas to track the phone that his Father was communicating with. Lukas agrees to do his best and when he turns on his device they get a ping, the phone his Dad was texting belongs to someone on campus.
Before the swim meet one of the other girls from the rival team gives Sophia a sports drink as a peace offering. She is glad Sophia is swimming. Sophia takes a drink and then the girl tells her there is caffeine in there. Atrian’s are allergic to caffeine and she knew it. Sophia starts coughing and falls to the ground. Emery and Grayson try to help Sophia but Roman rushes over and picks her up. He can help her but he has to do it in private. While he carries Sophia to the locker room Teri and Drake get in the rival teams faces. I’m talking Teri took her earrings out. It’s about to go down. Teri head-buts the girl and a fight breaks out.
In the locker room Roman pulls out some cypher but a teacher shows up. She won’t leave so Roman can’t help Sophia. Emery pulls epinephrine out of the first aid kit and shoots it into Sophia. That does the trick and Sophia is going to be okay. While that is happening the brawl has spilled into the pool area. Kids are getting pushed into the pool and School Bully even gets involved fighting alongside the Atrians.
In the ongoing, I think Taylor and Drake are going to be the lovers of this series before anyone else, Drake takes the time (after knocking a guy the eff out) to wink at Taylor who is watching the fight with quite a grin on her face. The fight is broken up by the guards and the Integration Lady. She is pissed but she does appreciate that the Atrian’s and the humans sided together for a common goal. Even if that goal was beating the crap out of the opposing team. Sophia says even though the match has now been forfeited she would like to swim, the rest of the team agrees, well most of the team. Integration lady says they have the pool for one hour.
After the meet Julia and Emery walk out of the school together. Emery tells Julia she now knows about cypher but she is hurt Roman didn’t confide in her sooner. Julia says it was for her own protection and that Roman really does care about her. I am not totally convinced but I’m a seeing is believing kind of girl.
Julia leaves as Grayson walks up. Emery looks at Grayson’s injured hand and he leans in. She doesn’t pull back and he kisses her. They kiss a few times while Roman looks on from across the parking lot. At least he looks devastated.
At the end of the episode Integration Lady and Uncle Caster are on the phone. She was the one that ordered the search and she tells Caster the phone has been destroyed. Then she watches the video that Lukas decrypted. It is a video of her and her son swimming. In the video she is telling Nox how amazing their son is. That’s right; she and Nox have a kid.
Star-Crossed airs Monday 8/7c on The CW