ABOUT A BOY Recap: About a Pool Party
After finding Marcus in one of his walls Will is talked into babysitting while Fiona goes on an interview. Yeah, in his wall. Apparently Fiona and Marcus’s place is connected to Will’s via a dumbwaiter. According to Marcus this means they live together. Will is pretty sure that is not the case.
Fiona stops by Will’s to run some things by him in regards to watching Marcus. She doesn’t want him watching TV, on the computer or playing video games. Also he should not eat meat, fish, foul, gluten, sugar or dairy. Oh and as a side she adds Marcus is deathly allergic to nuts. While she is saying these things she is walking around Will’s living room picking up and child proofing. This gives Will time to read Fiona’s resume. She has 2006-2008 marked down as the Nomadic Years. She didn’t take a traditional job during that time. Will suggests she might want to not be so honest to which she responds she lives her life in complete transparency. He does not get her.
While watching Marcus Andy stops by. Lil Jon is throwing a pool party and Andy and Will are on the guest list. Too bad Will has Marcus. Andy leaves without Will and goes a step further, he sends pictures to Will of the awesome time he is having. Marcus and Will talk it out, it’s a charity event, they should get some sun, they better go to the party. Next thing you know Will and Marcus show up at a pool party the likes of which you only see on TV.
Will tells Marcus they should have some time apart at the party, because that’s a great idea. In one hour they will meet up at the main cage. Uh huh, the main cage with the dancing girls inside it. To keep it safe though Will suggests they check in with each other visually every 15 minutes. There are so many pretty girls there Will is already distracted.
In fact he stops doing visual checks with Marcus and instead starts chatting up a pretty chick named Veronica. I’ll say this for Will; he is an equal opportunity “dater”. He is about to get Veronica alone for the drink when Marcus catches up with them. He is pretty tired of being ignored and just starts spilling information, he is Will’s neighbor, he and Will are best friends, his Mom and Will fight a lot but it’s probably because they have a deep seeded animal attraction. Veronica is not amused and she takes off. Will snaps at Marcus who says he will be fine on his own and leaves Will standing by himself.
Will, Andy and friends are chatting up Lil Jon when they see Marcus on the edge of the high dive. Turns out Will is afraid of heights so he reluctantly climbs up the high dive to help Marcus. Marcus is quite dramatic and near tears. He laments that he is going to die up there. Will tells him to look at him and admits he wasn’t a good friend today before grabbing his hand and pulling him back away from the edge of the diving board.
Just about to climb down the stairs Marcus says he is more of a kiddie pool kind of guy and not a high dive guy. Will stops him and says the one thing Marcus wanted when they got to the party was to jump off the high dive. He talks Marcus into jumping off, live the dream. It isn’t a pretty dive; in fact it’s downright ugly. Almost as ugly as Will’s jump a moment later. The party cheers while they attempt a hug in the pool.
They get home to find Fiona already there. She questions him about the party they went to and she is not pleased. Fiona tells Will to stay out of their lives. Before she can get to the door the phone rings. Will answers it and it is someone looking for The Nomadic Company. That gets Fiona to spin back around. Turns out in her interview Fiona named Will the Founder and CEO of The Nomadic Company. They are the leading supplier of organic staplers. Organic staplers. Will insists Fiona apologize before he will lie for her. She does and he gets back on the phone and insists Fiona was, “The wind beneath his wings.”
Later Will is getting ready to board up the dumbwaiter when he sees Fiona jumping around yelling she got the job. He smiles and then continues to board up the wall.
About a Boy airs 9/8c on NBC