STAR-CROSSED Recap: Embrace Your Destiny
I am always fascinated by the way people name their show’s episodes. Every show does something different. Star-Crossed is quoting Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet to be exact. I wonder if I should worry for our main characters or if it more based on their families being a pretty good modern day Capulet and Montague. I know Romeo and Juliet are described as star-crossed lovers but it is a tragic ending for that pair. As we are only three episodes in I suppose I’ll have to wait and see.
Also – I can barely spell in English so I’m just winging it with the Atrian words. FYI. Bear with me.
It’s the 10th anniversary of Arrival day and to commemorate it a few of the human teens will be visiting the Sector. Of course Emery is one of those teens and of course she has something to say. She wants to film the Atrian’s Arrival Day stories, get their side. Roman objects to Emery being in the Sector, for safety reasons and he is overruled. Our Red Hawk friend Grayson offers to help Emery film.
Meanwhile Julia finds Roman in study hall and confronts him regarding saving her life. He denies knowing what she is talking about. You remember Twilight where Edward tells Bella he couldn’t have saved her the way she remembers it? It’s something like that. She gets loud and Roman pulls her into a closet. He admits to saving her and asks her to please for both their sakes keep it a secret. She takes her shirt off to reveal her veins glowing blue. You remember Roswell where Max saved Liz and she had that glowing handprint on her stomach? It’s something like that.
At the Sector Roman and his Uncle are discussing cyper and Roman gets his Uncle to tell him how to cure the blue vein side effect. We’ll see how that goes. Shortly after that the human teens arrive at the Sector. Emery directs Grayson where/what to film while Roman finds Julia. They only have a few hours to get her the cure before the blue veins become permanent. So it figures he is not in a great mood when Emery asks him for his Arrival Day story. He wants her to be more concerned with her own safety. Roman’s sister, always the optimist, offers to show them their pod later when her Mother isn’t around.
Roman finds Terri and asks for Vire, the plant that will cure Julia’s blue veins. It is her tribe that grows it. He tells her what happened, without specifics, but she refuses to help him. At the beginning of the episode Terri, she’s the Atrian that always hangs on Roman’s every word, has left some sort of leaf under Roman’s pillow. The leaf causes Roman to have a naughty dream featuring the two of them. He finds her before getting on the bus to school and tells her that they used to be but they aren’t anymore and this kind of thing must end.
In another part of the Sector Drake gets taken by Beaumont to the Trags where he pledges his allegiance to them. Like all gangs there is an initiation. He needs to break into their ship, during the commemoration of Arrival Day and steal something specific for the Trags.
Still wandering around and filming Emery sits down with Roman’s sister for her interview. She is quite enthusiastic and Grayson takes the chance to film their house. Emery looks around and finds a star made out of yarn hanging over Roman’s bed. It is the string Emery used to play cat’s cradle with when she and Roman were kids. She smiles but Roman shows up and ruins their fun.
Now for some reason, and believe me I’m not complaining, Beaumont and Drake have a shirtless combat training session. I can’t even tell you exactly what was said during said display of shirtless combat.
Julia and Roman have met back up and are in a grow house looking for the plant they need when the Trags leader shows up, who just happens to be part of the tribe whose grow house it is. She does some threatening of Roman while Julia hides. Terri shows up. Incidentally it’s her Mom doing the threatening. Roman says he was there to meet her daughter and Terri backs up his story. Roman makes his exit, grabbing Julia, while Terri’s Mom chastises her. She doesn’t like the idea of Roman and Terri. Roman wants to work with and live with the humans where as she is a Trag and wants to destroy humans.
The next day at the Arrival Day ceremony Grayson find Emery and says he will upload the video they shot right now so it can play at the ceremony. Terri finds Roman, she has Vire for him. Roman finds Julia and gives her the Vire. Beaumont finds Drake and escorts him out towards the ship.
Back at the gathering the video starts to play when it is interrupted by the Red Hawks. Grayson looks at how hurt Emery is and jumps up. The crowd gets very antsy so Roman gets up and takes the stage. He makes a speech about his Arrival Day story while Drake breaks into the Atrian ship where apparently there is no gravity or the gravity is reversed. I’m not sure. Anyway he floats about a bit and then grabs a gold looking cube. Julia meanwhile is in her car where she eats the Vire. It starts to work and then her veins get even brighter and she radiates blue for a few moments before it cures the blue veins.
Everyone claps at Roman’s speech, everyone except Terri. She is not pleased that Roman is so fond of a human girl, a girl Roman didn’t name specifically, but says someday if integration goes well maybe they can be together. In the ship Drake gets stopped by a guard but he can’t bring himself to kill him. Maybe Drake isn’t all bad. Terri shows up and erases the guard’s memory with some fancy plant leaf. She says it is time she embraces her destiny. What is it they say about a woman scorned?
Emery is in the parking lot after the ceremony when she overhears Grayson’s parents talking about how they were responsible, along with Grayson, for the video. It is Grayson’s Dad who is the Grand Patriarch of the Red Hawks. Grayson sees Emery and categorically denies being a Red Hawk but Emery says she can’t be around him.
Terri and Drake take the gold box to Terri’s Mom where she praises Drake and applauds her daughter for embracing her destiny. She uses the gold box to transform cyper into black cyper. She then uses that to kill Beaumont. She found out he was snitching to Caster. Drake has the decency to look momentarily appalled.
So there you go, three episodes in, what do you think?
Star-Crossed airs Monday 8/7c on The CW