STAR-CROSSED Recap: Secrets and Lies
Quick sum up of the pilot, shall we? Atrian’s crashed to Earth 10 years ago. Humans have been keeping them in a reservation/concentration camp for the last decade. Now a group of Atrian teens are being assimilated into the local high school. One of the Atrian’s, Roman, remembers one of the humans, Emery from when she helped him on the day they crashed. Because he pretty much loves Emery, Roman saved her friend Julia, who was dying of what I think was a type of cancer. At the end of the last episode Emery’s Dad who is an enforcement officer for the Sector (reservation) shot and killed Roman’s Dad.
In retaliation of the shooting of Roman’s Dad Nox, who was really in the wrong place at the wrong time, a few of the Atrian’s blow up one of the guard stations at the Sector. Elsewhere in the Sector Roman and his family are preparing for Nox’s funeral. On of Roman’s Uncle’s, Caster, is particularly involved and Roman doesn’t like it. Apparently Caster wasn’t a big fan of Nox when he was alive.
At school tensions are high. School Bully has some stupid smart ass remarks to make. I’m sure I should learn his name and maybe some episode I will but it isn’t going to be this one. After class Emery tries to talk to Roman but he won’t listen to her. He does stop long enough for Emery to thank him for saving Julia although he doesn’t admit to what he did. “We are from two different worlds Emery, we can’t keep pretending like that doesn’t matter.”
Oh and what do you know, Tahmoh Peniket is in this episode. He’s just…pretty. He’s a guard at the Sector, named Beaumont who will be taking over for Emery’s Dad while he takes a leave of absence. At a community/school meeting Beaumont assures everyone that security will be heightened and that everything will be fine going forward. There is a member of a group called the Red Hawks there who preaches his anti-Atrian agenda. Listening to him talk is like listening to the most backwards redneck conspiracy theorist. The Red Hawks are a movement of people who oppose the Atrian’s being on Earth at all. So they seem nice. Thanks to his vocalizing the Atrian Seven are not going to be permitted to attend the Homecoming Carnival. I kind of think they probably don’t mind. Emery however stands up and calls them out for the jerks they are being. Her best friend, whose name I will also learn at some point, records her speech and it works. The Atrian’s are allowed to go to the carnival.
At the Sector the Elders ask to speak with Roman. They tell him many agreed with Nox’s message of peace and equality but they are worried the dissidents are growing stronger. As Nox’s first born son it is his time to lead now. However as he is so young they will appoint someone to lead until he is ready. Wouldn’t you know Uncle Caster volunteered? Roman vehemently disagrees with this idea and makes the decision to lead the Atrian’s and stand up to the Trags (dissidents) himself. Caster isn’t convinced Roman can do it.
At the local hangout Emery and best friend show up where everyone is watching the video he made of her speech. School Bully makes the requisite remark but others think what she did was courageous. Emery sees Grayson and apologizes for leaving him at that last party, he says it’s okay. He opens up that he lost his brother, a National Guardsman, on Arrival Day. She’s glad he feels comfortable enough to talk to her. Julia shows up at the hangout too and volunteers to work the Homecoming Carnival. She seems happy to be able to participate.
A little insight into School Bully, his Dad owned a dinner/local hangout in the area they put the Sector. The business folded and now School Bully’s Dad is a drunk.
At school Emery pulls Roman aside to ask him if he going to the carnival, he says it is safer if they stay apart. Later at the Sector while the other kids head to the carnival Roman sees a group of shady looking Atrian’s go into a shipping container, he peeks in and sees the leader of the Trags telling his followers to take revenge against Emery and her family. Looks like Roman is heading to the carnival.
Roman finds Caster and tells him if of the plot. He asks Caster to prove he is changed and wants peace by stopping the leader of the Trags while Roman goes to the carnival to save Emery. Caster said he can handle that.
At the carnival everyone seems to be having fun. Julia is scanning tickets and very excited because this is her first job ever. The Atrian Seven show up and Head Chick in Charge Taylor snarks at Atrian teen Drake. His response, “You show me your school spirit and I’ll show you mine.” She actually smiles. Most of the town looks scared but a few people are nice to the Atrians. Roman’s sister and Lukas (that’s Emery’s best friend – look at me learning names) hit it off. They share a laugh and he takes her on a few rides.
Roman finds Emery and tells her about the plot against her family. She insists she is probably safer in a crowd with all the guards that are around. Emery grabs Roman’s hand and leads him over to a huge rock in the park that has paint handprints all over it. Every year the new students leave their handprint on the rock, she and Roman put their handprints next to each other’s. He says she has the same faith in people being good his Father had. Before they can say anything more Teri comes over to see if Roman knows where Drake is. She can’t find him anywhere. He tells Emery to be careful and goes to find Drake.
While wandering around Emery sees School Bully pushing a big trash wheelbarrow so of course she follows him while Roman follows the Trag who has a gun pointed at Emery. Turns out that “Trag” is Officer Beaumont. He is an Atrian. Roman is shocked. Beaumont does that thing all “bad guys” do, he starts talking about the master plan. There are a number of Atrian’s who had their tattoos removed and who now live outside the Sector, infiltrating the humans, waiting for their chance to strike. He leaves Roman with the parting shot, “One of us is always watching.”
Emery and Grayson catch up with School Bully who has Drake tied up in the back of his truck. Before they can free him the Red Hawk group shows up. Some hurtful things are said but Grayson sticks up for Emery and even pulls a knife on Red Hawk leader giving Emery time to free Drake. Red Hawk backs down. After Drake is free Grayson puts his arm around Emery and walks her back into the carnival.
In the carnival Julia tries to talk to Roman but he is in too much of a hurry to find Drake. Julia points him in the right direction and when her hand touches his, the veins in her arm turn a bright glowing blue.
The next day the Atrian’s have their funeral for Nox. After the funeral Roman asks Caster what happened with the Trags. Caster says he got the Trag leader arrested. Roman confides in Caster about the Atrian’s living outside the Sector. Worried that he can’t devote his every moment to leading the Atrian’s Roman puts Caster in charge. Roman does warn him though that any doubt on his part and Caster will be replaced.
Caster meets with Beaumont and says he has his own reasons for keeping Emery and Roman apart. Beaumont says Roman knows that the closer he is to Emery the more danger she is in. He will stay away from her. Caster wants Beaumont to keep his spies in the school alert. He ends the conversation by reminding Beaumont that they answer to him now.
While Roman mourns over his Dad’s body Grayson and Emery hug before leaving the hangout. Grayson gets down the block out of sight before being picked up by Red Hawk leader. Turns out Grayson is a Red Hawk himself.
Star-Crossed airs Monday 8/7c on The CW