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Show creator: Cameron Porsandeh is @Porsandeh
I knew this new series from SyFy would be quite a different animal during the Heilx panel at Comic Con.
Cameron spoke about his views and this quote sums it up beautifully: “There are all kinds of ways to make the world a better place, and I think TV is one way to do that.”
I am excited to see what develops.
The original surviving Vector, Dr. Peter Farragut portrayed by Neil Napier is @NielNapier
He is my favorite character so far. Never before has someone made creepy infection look so cool.
Here’s what he had to say about his character:
Daniel Aerov, Meegwun Fairbrother is @bmeegwun
Fairbrother took his character to a whole new level in episode five.
I can’t wait to see what he does next!
Dr. Doreen Boyle portrayed by Catherine Lemieux is @LOVEcatLEMIEUX
Here’s what she had to say about working with rats: “People – I think a lot of people were a bit freaked out for me to be working with rats. I think a lot of people have rat fear but – with the live rats. So that first scene in the pilot episode a lot of people were just afraid for me but I love animals so that was fun.”

Here’s what he had to say about his character which makes me hope it’s not over yet.
“….you just have to wait and find out as far as when the episodes get released. But there’s definitely going to be some interesting stuff developing with my character. He’s got a lot of – he’s multifaceted let’s just say. So we’re going to see some surprises.”
Dr. Julia Walker, the newly infected, portrayed by Kyra Zagorsky is @KyraZagorsky
Her own words regarding Julia were insightful: “Well, I would describe her as a very intelligent, accomplished woman in her field. She’s one of the top scientists with the CDC. And the thing that I loved about this character is that she was incredibly ambitious and got herself to where she is in this line of work but she exists for purposes outside of her relationships which I think is a really important thing for female characters in film and TV. And so although I am the ex-wife of Dr. Alan Farragut, that’s not at all what my purpose is in the series. I’m there because I’m trying to, you know, deal with this virus. I’m there to do my work as a scientist. I’m passionate about my work. But she’s an independent woman and she does have her flaws in her relationships. She’s just a very full human character and I think that’s what I really loved about her.”
This show is really starting to heat up. Jump on board early and enjoy the ride. It has been predicted by The Hollywood Reporter to be among the ten shows that could be the next Breaking Bad. I am trying to live tweet during each episode. If you are so inclined follow me here: @PxlWvr