Comic Con
HELIX Premiere – ‘Vector’ Fracking Creepy
You know it’s bad when death by Hellbug is desirable.
Looking for a new series? Do you like The Andromeda Strain, pure Sci-Fi, well written dialogue, and a mind-bending mystery? HELIX is for you! SyFy premiered Helix with a special double episode this past Friday and this series is off the charts disturbing! I won’t spend time recounting every detail, or trying to figure out what exactly the virus is. There are already several theories out there. Some of them pretty good. My favorite is on EW. What I will do is tell you WHY you should pay attention. This show is brilliant on every level!
- Complex plot lines. Everyone seems to be hiding something and the boundaries are blurred between who is wearing the white hat.
- The word ‘Frack’ was used in the first ten minutes. Thank you Ron Moore.
- Eerie combination of cheerful Elevator Music and carnage was brilliant.
- The Frozen Monkey Field left me slack-jawed.
- The words Retro-viral outbreak, Transgenic Research, Synchronous Optical Network, and Vectors will soon infiltrate our vocabulary.
- Popcorn Rats in the lab left me with the sure knowledge that I will never see a pet store the same.
- The goo-kiss in the bathroom made me never want to shower again. That was worse than Psycho! I’d rather be stabbed!
I am enjoying this mystery and honestly, don’t want to find out what is going on too soon. Being in the dark about things makes it much more interesting. Thank you Cameron Porsandeh for creating such an original, fresh idea!. During the Helix panel at SDCC Cameron spoke about his views and this quote sums it up beautifully: “There are all kinds of ways to make the world a better place, and I think TV is one way to do that.” Great perspective and I am totally loving the journey.
So, what are the big questions?
• Dr. Julia Walker was asked specifically to come when the outbreak first occurred.
Dr. Alan Farragut was only added on her request because Peter, one of the infected, was his brother. Both siblings, were in a relationship with Julia, but neither currently. Dr. Hataki seems utterly enamored when he is with her. The creepy stalker photos only confirmed it. And, Peter, or what’s left of him, is looking for her. What does she have that they need?
• Where is the White Room everyone who is infected keep referring to?
Peter’s answer to his brother was very telling. “Do you know what happened to you?” Peter: “Yes. The White Room.” Locating The White Room and discovering what happened there is a biggie.
• What the heck is up with Dr. Hiroshi Hatake’s eyes?
I swear! The first thing that entered my mind was he’s been Riddicke’d! Is he good or evil?
Need more Helix? Check out all our INTERVIEWS & COVERAGE HERE!