NEW GIRL Recap: Careers
Can I confess something? I am not in love with this season of New Girl. The music is the most awesome thing ever (they used Gangsters Paradise in this episode for heaven sakes) and sure there are some great lines but it isn’t coming together for me.
Is that a weird way to start a recap? Probably.
Anyway, this whole episode is about career choices. Jess has the opportunity for a new job, a fundraising job with the Children Museum. She has until 6:00PM to decide and that is only 21 minutes from now. Jess finds the boys at the bar and questions how they got into their careers.
Winston goes first. His career was a forgone conclusion. He was handed a basketball when he was a very small infant and he played ball until he physically couldn’t anymore. That led to sports broadcasting which is where he is now. His story which he touted as being, “this crazy English muffin we call Winston’s life,” really just points out to him that he has never made a decision regarding his career.
Schmidt takes his turn. He was a candy striper or as Nick said, “You were like a 300-pound wall of peppermint bark.” At the hospital the NILTH (The Nurse I’d Like to Hug) was dating a guy in advertising. Schmidt figured he was too big to be in advertising so he started working with Nick at a Christmas Tree Farm. After his boss had a heart attack he told Schmidt money over everything was the only way to go. Schmidt slimmed down and did go into advertising/marketing. When Jess says the museum job pays more than teaching he advises her to take the museum job no question.
Coach is up next. Basically Coach, whose name is actually Ernie, was forever coaching people so that is what he does. It wasn’t a very defined storyline. Oh and Coach always has a stopwatch on that he uses to time things, everything from conversations to movies.
Nick’s story is a little confusing for me. If I remember correctly Nick dropped out of law school when Caroline broke his heart and subsequently broke him. That however is not what happened if you watch this episode. In this episode Nick does three years of law school and signs up to take the California bar. However one day when he is studying at the bar he now works at he saw the bartender over serve himself and he does what any sane person would do…Jumps behind the bar and starts working.
Cece goes last. She doesn’t tell how she got into modeling though she says she was Jess’s first student. She tells the story of how she and Jess met at the school library and how Jess helped her.
Jess realizes she has always been a teacher and no matter how much of a mess her current school is, and it is a mess, she can’t leave teaching. She turns down the museum job.
The episode ends with Winston quitting his job, and in a burn bridges, swear filled way. He’s going to make his own decision about his life. Cece starting her first shift at the bar, she wants a fallback career and Nick shows Jess that he passed the bar exam. He did it to prove that he was tending bar because that is what he wanted to do not because he couldn’t become a lawyer. Bartending makes him happy.
What did you think of this episode?
New Girl airs Tuesday 9/8c on FOX