CASTLE Recap: 6×11 “Under Fire”
This was definitely a serious and tense episode, but as with most Castle outings, it had some very light moments. The case concerned a body found at the scene of an arson – set by a serial arsonist. One of the major nits I pick with Castle is that – more often than not – the guilty party is usually the first party we meet. In this case, we met the arsonist (code name “the Phantom”) less than two minutes in. It was actually fairly obvious that one of the two men clearing the building was probably the bad guy. I hate when I roll my eyes so early.
However, the tension that built later on was quite good. Although I know Javi and Kevin were going to survive their predicament, the writers made the scenes where they were trapped in the building very touching and character building. I love the bromance between the two detectives, and getting to see them when they’re at their best is one of my favorite things. Throughout the episode, Jenny had been calling Kevin, testing their system for when the baby was coming. There were a few cute exchanges where he was teased by his team about this.
So let me back up a little. As they traced the clues, they were led to another building – probably the next on the list to be burnt. Kate sent Espo and Ryan to check it out, and when they went in, they found the arsonists home base. Of course, it was booby trapped, and it essploded real good. The special effects were done to perfection here – so kudos to the guys behind the scenes. There was a basement that wasn’t on the building’s official plans, and the boys ended up down there, somewhat worse for wear, but safe.
Kate and Rick ran across a video taken by the arsonist, which led to a pyro site – and the squidgy guy who ran it alerted them to the fire at the building that Ryan and Espo had been investigating. At the same time, Jenny called Kate when she couldn’t reach Kevin, and Kate had to break the news to her that Kevin was in grave danger.
I enjoy seeing Seamus’ lovely wife-in-real-life, Juliana – and she did a great job in this episode. Jenny was anguished while waiting to find out what had happened to her husband, and things led to her giving birth to the couple’s daughter at the end of the episode. The writers also added a short scene where Lanie showed up, concerned with Javi – which was super sweet. It also helped in that she could help when Jenny went into labor at the scene.
The pacing was just about perfect in this episode, and there were many character moments – which for me, is a win. I enjoyed seeing Rick digging out clues, discussing what to call the arsonist, and in true Castle fashion, run from the building when it creaked menacingly. And Kate wore a very low key outfit, but I really dug it. It was a layered casual look, and it was incredibly flattering. I also can’t end my review without mentioning my two favorite supporting actresses from this season – Maya Stojan (@MayaStojan) as Tori Ellis, our IT girl, & Penny Johnson Jerald (@btwprod) as Captain Gates. The lady-power is strong in those two, and they make a great team here.
Overall, I enjoyed this one. Season six has been exemplary, with a couple of duds, but this one is nice and solid. Not a stand-out – top ten, but definitely up to the standard this season has been setting so far.