The Good Wife – 5.10 ‘The Decision Tree’ Eli’s Epic Snarf!

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Our easter egg comes in the form of Kalinda's speedometer as she tails Damien Boyle. Beautiful.

Our easter egg comes in the form of Kalinda’s speedometer as she tails Damien Boyle.

TGWchristmas_card-v6Here we go Kiddies! One hundred episodes. Where has the time gone?
Someone pressed the fart button.
Peter goes rouge.
Marilyn’s wearing a baby stereo.
Alicia’s party goes off the rails with 835 yesses.
Eli has lost all shreds of sanity.
The Mom’s invade, spreading guilt like gumdrops.
Wil’s pain slip is showing

Alicia plays the political card once again when no one wants to attend “The Holiday Party.” Peter agrees as long as Mamma Florrick is invited. Ah, how comforting to know the beautiful people have the same drama we do around the Holidays.

Matthew Ashbaugh may be dead, but his death precipitates Will digging up bones in the form of painful memories he thought long gone. I wonder if the Blond Rubberband has a yoga position for forgetting Alicia because now that we get a peek inside Will”s mind it’s clear he needs the help. Obviously, his heart was far more bruised than even he was willing to admit.

Damien gets a toy.

Damien gets a toy.

Best Moments:

• Clarke Hayden gets off to a rough start in court cross-examining his first case with volume issues, but still manages to hit a home run. Go Hayden!

• Eli was so worried about The White Wife Killing OJ that he never saw a The Top Drug Dealer in Chicago, Lemond Bishop, coming.

• Cell phones are so troubling and it’s not just the blue hairs that that get tripped up.
   Smack Talk and Farting Buttons. Who knew?

• Oh! Boy! The plot thickens yet again when the walking symphony Marilyn revealed the
name of her unborn. Peter.

• Eli said it best, and I must agree: “Thank God. Thank your Christian Jesus God.” 
   Here’s to five more fabulous years.

• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at