HAVEN Sneak Peeks and Video Clips
Brand new Haven this week and thanks to Syfy we have a sneak peek of the episode along with some behind the scenes footage.
Please be sure to watch live this Friday and, if you are on Twitter, Eric Balfour will be tweeting along with the episode. His Twitter his @ERICBALFOUR.
Haven airs Friday 10/9c on Syfy
Monster’s Ball – Preview
The ghost hunting Darkside Seekers arrive following rumors of a monster of ancient myth appearing. Will they reveal Haven’s troubles to the world? Guest Star: Danny Masterson
Inside Haven 410 – Behind the Scenes
Take a peek behind the scenes on the set of Haven!
Darkside Seekers – Coming to Haven
We are the Darkside Seekers. Our mission: to find evidence and uncover the truth of supernatural phenomena all over the world. Our next stop–Haven, ME.