Doppelgangers galore! Amara, Elena, and Katherine in the same scene! Silas and Stefan attacking each other! To quote Damon from this episode, “I’ve got Doppelgangers coming out of my ears!” The acting in the episode was superb and I have to say the night belonged to Paul Wesley. Let’s get down to it!
We begin with Silas at a bus stop in the middle of nowhere, with a human couple. He told them about his long lost love and how he cheated on Qetsiyah. It got a little strange when he explained that Qetsiyah turned Amara to stone and how he’s been alive for 2,000 years and he was immortal a couple of days ago, but now he isn’t. The couple thought he had a few screws loose (and can I add how awesome it was for those two actors to be a part of this awesome scene! I was jealous). Silas then told the couple to enjoy love while it lasts. The guy started coughing and spitting up blood. His girlfriend started to freak out and Silas told them he forgot to mention he was a witch. Silas liquefied the guy’s internal organs because he was mad at the world and wanted to take it out on them. He threatened the girl that she would be next, so she ran away and left her boyfriend (poor guy). The bus pulled up and Silas said “Love is so damn fickle,” but buses are “tried and true.” Silas got on the bus. Best Silas Scene Ever! Bravo Paul Wesley!
Stefan woke up and Elena was next to his bed. He had been having nightmares about his life over the last 3 months. Elena said she wanted to start over but Stefan wasn’t so sure now that he had his memory back. Damon asked him some questions to be sure all of his memory returned, and Stefan passed the test.
Damon introduced Stefan to Amara who was screaming at people (that we couldn’t see) and trying to kill herself by biting her wrist (I think Damon was onto something with the whole crazy pants thing). Damon said that Silas was on his way back for Amara and told Stefan “Let’s hope love is blind; or at least deaf.” Hilarious!
At Whitmore, Dr. Maxfield told Katherine that her blood work was normal but she was aging at a rapid pace. After being alive for over 500 years, time was catching up to her and unfortunately if it continued at this pace; she would only have 3 months to live (sucks to be her, pun intended).
Silas was enjoying catching up with human life on his bus ride. Damon called Silas and when he answered, he said that gas was over $3 a gallon and people were really upset about it. Damon couldn’t believe that Silas was on a bus considering they needed him there in a hurry. Silas said he decided if Amara wanted to die, he would kill her and spend the rest of eternity with her. Silas went back on his word to bring Bonnie back. He said he would rather see Damon disappoint Elena and let fate work on the doppelgangers (well that wasn’t very nice).
Caroline saw Nadia at school and before she could say who she was, Katherine said Nadia was her hairstylist. Caroline left, and Nadia wanted to know why Katherine was avoiding her. Katherine told that is was just easier to be estranged.
At the Salvatore Mansion, Elena wanted to prolong the time they had to protect Amara. Neither Damon nor Stefan was into it. Stefan told her that she put her hope in the wrong people sometimes. Since Silas put him in that safe, he wouldn’t “hold his breath” for Silas’ help (the pun was intended. Stefan said so). Stefan’s plan was to kill Silas himself. Elena worried that Stefan would get killed for going after Silas. Stefan told her about his time in locked in the safe. He said he thought about things that made him happy and that kept him from turning off his humanity switch. He said every time he closed his eyes now, he relived those three months. If he didn’t kill Silas and stop those thoughts, he would either lose his mind, flip his humanity switch or do both.
Jeremy and Bonnie brought Amara a sandwich for dinner. They were surprised that Amara could see Bonnie. Amara explained that since she is the Anchor to the other side, she could see and touch the living and dead. She really wasn’t crazy; she just couldn’t tell the difference between the living and the dead. Jeremy thought Bonnie should be the new anchor so she could be with everyone again, Amara could die and everyone would be happy.
Damon decided to pay Tessa a visit. Damon filled her in about Amara and Silas. He wanted her to help them bring Bonnie back and make her the anchor (which would stick it to Silas as well). She was on board and wanted revenge on Silas. Tessa said she would need something to draw on to do a spell that big; she needed doppelganger blood (with all the doppelgangers around, that shouldn’t be a problem).
While rounding up the doppelgangers, Tessa visited Amara. She apologized, and told Tessa that she won, and pleaded for Tessa to kill her (ok at this point, I’m starting to think maybe Bonnie shouldn’t be the anchor. There has to be more to it for her to want to die so badly. Anyone else have reservations?).
Tessa met Katherine who asked her to help her stop aging in exchange for her blood. She agreed and told her get the other two doppelgangers. Elena, Katherine, Amara, and Tessa all stood around a table that had Bonnie’s grimoire on it (as I said last week, Bravo to Nina Dobrev for pulling off 3 characters in the same scene). Tessa cut each of their palms and let their blood drip on the grimoire. Just as things started getting good, the power was knocked out by none other than Silas.
Damon got a flashlight and they discovered Tessa and Amara were gone. Tessa found Silas and told him that even after 2,000 years, she wasn’t able to let things go. Silas felt bad for her because vengeance was for people who didn’t have real love. He stabbed her and she told him that she loved him.
In the woods, Silas found Amara and they shared a tender, teary moment. She still loved him, but did not want to live another day. He went to slit her throat and Stefan showed up. He choked Silas against a tree. Silas hit Stefan with a headache and then said being in a safe for 3 months was nothing compared to being in stone for 2,000 years. Being forgotten was the worst part. Then Stefan threw a knife at Silas and killed his doppelganger. RIP Silas.
Amara pulled the knife out of Silas and promised him that their eternity had just begun. She stabbed herself before Damon could stop her. Damon tried to heal her with his blood but her body rejected it (anyone who has taken the cure can’t be healed by vampire blood). Damon told her to stay with him. They needed her to stay alive until Tessa’s spell was complete.
Bonnie went to say goodbye to Jeremy since Amara was dying. He told her that he loved her and she said she loved him too. He reached out to touch her face and he could feel her. The spell worked! Bonnie turned around and Caroline and Elena could see her. They couldn’t believe it was real and hugged. It was a special, sweet moment.
Bonnie and Jeremy were by the fireplace and after staring at each other, they starting making out. Steamy!
Tessa told Katherine to invest in some anti-aging cream from the store because she wasn’t going to help her. She got what she wanted and Silas was waiting for her on the other side. She slit her wrist and said “True love prevails. Universe be damned.” Wow! She was delusional until the end (Janina Gavankar was amazing as Tessa/Qetsiyah and I will miss seeing her on TVD).
After Tessa died, she appeared to Bonnie and explained that since she is the anchor, every dead supernatural being has to pass through her to get to the other side. She said she will feel each death and it will “hurt like a bitch” (ugh! I knew being the anchor wasn’t all it was cracked up to be).
Elena found Stefan digging Silas’ grave and asked if he was fixed since Silas was dead. She wanted to make sure Stefan would be alright. He said when the safe opened “I wanted it to be you. I wanted it to be both of you,” (referring to Damon who appeared right then). I felt bad for Stefan.
Now that Bonnie is back, Caroline quickly kicked Katherine out of the dorm. Nadia wanted her to go back to Prague and have some Mother-Daughter bonding time. Caroline overheard and couldn’t believe Katherine had a daughter. Katherine told Nadia she didn’t want to know her, and that she was doing her a favor. She told her take a good look at her, because Nadia would never see her again. Ouch.
Even though Silas died, Stefan still had nightmares. Killing Silas didn’t take his pain away as he had hoped. “It’s supposed to be over,” he said. My heart ached for Stefan at this moment.
What did you think of this episode? What was your favorite part? How will Stefan move on with his life? Will Bonnie become suicidal as the anchor? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7 on The CW.