NEW GIRL Recap: Menus
So if you missed New Girl last week (as I did) let’s quickly recap before I start one of my rambling recaps.
Coach is back. The boys are all happy to have him. He is staying with Schmidt in the loft across the hall – which basically means he is in the “main” loft all the time. Just like Schmidt. Oh and Fox announced that Coach will be sticking around for the remainder of the season.
And Nick and Jess made their hooking up official. They are now boyfriend and girlfriend and not seeing other people. Nothing like guest star Taye Diggs to make you want to lock down your girl.
Now onto this week, shall we?
Apparently now Coach has moved into Schmidt’s old room and Schmidt has returned his key. Schmidt’s really going through with this, huh?
Poor Schmidt isn’t happy all alone in the other loft though as he spends quite a bit of time calling the guys and having them put him on speaker phone so he can hear what is going on. He’s too stubborn to admit he is lonely over there. In fact he comes over with a hidden camera to leave in the loft. Nick catches on though and Schmidt leaves with his camera in a huff.
By the end of the episode Schmidt admits he misses everyone and Jess gives him his key to the loft back.
Coach seems bored and he talks Nick into letting him train him. Nick is eating Chinese takeout for breakfast so he does have some room for improvement. I am also reminded that I do not live in a city where I can get Chinese takeout for breakfast. That makes me momentarily sad.
The workout is going well at the start, but as Nick hasn’t ever worked out it doesn’t take long for him to cave. He texts Cece that Jess needs Chinese food ASAP and she rushes over with it. Nick and Coach spend some time wresting over a dumpling before Nick wins and says he is done. He tried.
Jess wants to take her kids on a field trip to the ocean but her Principal says no. He says no to all her ideas for monetary reasons. She takes her anger out on the plethora of Chinese food menus that seem to be piling up at their loft. Despite Nick telling her she has crazy eyes she drives down to the Chinese place, menus in hand. At the restaurant she is met with no resistant and when the worker, Brian, tells her she is hot she Jessica Day’s out. She makes weird facial expressions, calls him dumb and then asks him if he is excited for the holidays before turning and leaving.
No sooner than she gets home than another menu is left at their door. She chases down the guy who left the menu only to find Brian (the guy from the restaurant). He is sorry, but she seemed kind of crazy and he felt it was best to agree with her and get rid of her quickly. Jess is not happy, not happy at all.
When she gets back to the loft she finds Winston having an alergic reaction to the MSG in the Chinese food. Since the menus say NO MSG she grabs Winston and takes him down to the Chinese place.
Jess is done accepting things the way they are. She shows Winston in the wheel chair to everyone in the restaurant and announces that, “This is what eating here did to my friend.”
Oh did I mention that Winston has hurt his ankle and is now in a wheel chair? No? Sorry. His story lines are just so ridiculous and small it slipped my mind.
Jess’s big difference ends up getting the menu guy fired. She isn’t feeling so great about her crusade now.
She heads back to the loft and after an awkward pep talk from Nick she has an idea. She borrows the van from the Chinese place, I’m not sure why they would loan it to her but that is besides the point. The point is she gets to take her kids to the ocean on a field trip.
Best quotes of the show:
Nick commenting on Schmidt’s jeans “His jeans are so small it looks like something an Italian whittled.”
Coach, “You’ll be able to see your abs.” Nick, “I thought God just didn’t give me those.”
New Girl airs Tuesday 10/9c on Fox