This week I have to start off by saying that Nina Dobrev works hard for her money! She does a great job as Elena and Katherine and now she has to play Amara too! Playing three characters on the same show has got to be tiring, so I’d like to give a big shout out to Nina for being so awesome! Let’s get down to the nitty gritty!
We begin with Katherine ready to devour a breakfast feast, when the server told her that she liked her hair and it was a bold choice. Katherine looked in a mirror and saw she had a big grey streak in her hair that she wasn’t happy about (could her hundreds of years alive be catching up with her?).
At Casa de Salvatore, Silas greeted Damon and Elena by calling them “frenemies.” Now that he is a witch it’s his turn to keep up his end of the bargain. He is supposed to bring Bonnie back to life before he dies, but Elena isn’t really sure if she can trust him. He told her that he would keep his word once he found the anchor and he had a good idea where it was (since he read Tessa’s mind). Jeremy showed up with his crossbow in hand (like a true hunter) ready to put Silas down, but Damon said “Put the damn crossbow down, Pocahontas.” Hilarious! Silas said they were headed on a road trip to New Jersey to get the anchor and Elena couldn’t go (he didn’t want to stare at someone who looked like his one true love). Elena tried to fight it, but she lost out in the end. Silas, Jeremy and Damon hit the road!
At Tessa’s cabin, Stefan woke up with a vicious hangover and Tessa said “Get up, gorgeous. Your doppelganger dies today.” Stefan still didn’t really understand the story of the anchor and why Silas and Tessa both wanted it (I think we are all a little confused quite honestly). Tessa got up and was ready to find the anchor and kill Silas but when she tried to leave, she wasn’t able to. Silas put a spell on the cabin and no one could leave until sundown (which would be too late).
Katherine snuck in Elena and Caroline’s dorm room and dyed that grey streak out of her hair. Caroline came in and thought it was Elena at first but quickly realized it was Katherine and pinned her against the wall. Katherine offered to help her with Dr. Maxfield (or Dr. Wes) if she let her stay at the dorm (and use Elena’s meal card). Caroline was hesitant but agreed.
Back at the Cabin, Elena called Stefan and Tessa answered his phone. She told Elena he was in the shower and said “between us girls, he works up quite the sweat.” She asked if Elena wanted to leave a message and she told Tessa to remind Stefan that Tessa was a crazy bitch! Tessa responded “I would, but I think that’s maybe his type” Sassy sassy!
Immediately Elena didn’t like the idea of Stefan getting close with Tessa. She called Damon and found out that Damon had to snap Stefan’s neck a few times to help Silas get his powers back. That angered Elena and she insisted to go check on Stefan.
Dr. Maxfield was in his lab when Caroline snuck up on him. Katherine came up behind him and injected something in his neck that caused him to pass out. These two might make a good team after all.
Elena showed up at Tessa’s cabin to speak with Stefan (who she thought was sleeping with Tessa). She confronted Stefan about it and he said he wasn’t sleeping with her and she shouldn’t have come to the cabin. After seeing he was alright, she tried to leave but couldn’t. She was stuck inside the cabin also (which was all part of Tessa’s plan).
The guys arrived at the warehouse and Silas told Damon he didn’t know how he could be there while Elena and Stefan were together. Damon said “It’s called being secure.” They went in the warehouse and Silas knew the anchor was there, he just didn’t know what he was looking for.
At the lab, Caroline decided to drain the doctor of vervain (with Katherine’s help of draining his blood) so she could get some information out of him and compel him to forget that she and Elena were vampires. He told them that there was going to be a meeting at the Whitmore House later that day and there would be people there that suspect they were vampires. He added that no vampire could ever cross the threshold of the house. Katherine smirked at Caroline and it was good she was there to act like Elena after all.
Tessa called Damon and told him that she lured Elena to the cabin (by making her jealous) and she is stuck there. She told Damon to kill Silas before he found the anchor, and if he didn’t she would kill Elena. She had the whole thing planned out. Damon hung up the phone and had a mini vamp fit on a few boxes to get his anger out.
Katherine went to the Whitmore House dressed conservatively. She spoke to the head of Whitmore security (who Elena met the night her roommate died) and walked right in without a problem (which surprised the security woman). Katherine was starving and stuffing food in her mouth and her purse when Aaron busted her. She said, “Are you the sandwich police?” He told her that he was trying to figure out why Dr. Maxfield told him to stay away from her (assuming she was Elena). She asked him “Are you part of the secret society?” He appeared to have no idea what she was talking about. Katherine wasn’t sure if he was clueless or a great liar, but before she could find out she coughed something up in her hand. She looked at it and it was her tooth! Gross! She got out of there in a hurry.
At the cabin, Tessa and Stefan were flirty and Elena was visibly upset. Tessa joked that she didn’t like the pizza toppings there were discussing and Elena told them she was upset because Silas was supposed to bring Bonnie back to life. Now that Tessa told Damon to kill Silas, she knew he wouldn’t risk putting someone’s life ahead of hers. So the deal was off and Bonnie wasn’t coming back.
At the warehouse, Damon told Jeremy that the deal was off. He couldn’t risk Elena not making it to Bonnie’s welcome home party. Bonnie understood and didn’t want any of her friends to die so she could come back to life. Damon went to look for Silas and found two travelers. They zapped Damon’s day ring and he started to burn. They told Damon they didn’t want Silas dead yet, and Damon said that didn’t work for him. He knifed one of them and ripped the other one’s heart out. All in a day’s work.
Dr. Maxfield was fully drained and Caroline could begin the questioning. She asked about the secret society and he told her that it was called Augustine and most members were legacies, but some were chosen for having extraordinary talents. She asked what his talent was and he said it was being brilliant (modest much?). She found out that Augustine had its own vampire and that’s who killed Megan and that is why Dr. Maxfield covered it up. Her questioning was cut short when Dianne, the head of security, knocked on the door. She quickly compelled him to forget everything they discussed and that she and Elena were vampires. Dianne was there to check on him since he missed the event at the Whitmore house. She also told him that he was wrong about Elena being a vampire.
Elena could not stand seeing Stefan flirt with Tessa for another minute and she told him that Tessa is not the kind of person he would like. Stefan whispered so only Elena could hear and said he wouldn’t let Tessa hurt her and to trust him. Elena smiled and knew he had her back. At sundown, he stabbed Tessa and told Elena to run and he followed her out of the cabin.
At the warehouse, Damon was on the phone with Tessa and wanted to know why the travelers wanted to stop him from killing Silas. She told him that they wanted Silas’ blood because it’s the cure. She explained that 2,000 years ago she had to bind the other side to something that Silas would never want to destroy. She told him to think about it, and Damon figured it out. Silas found the anchor. It was Amara; Qetsiyah/Tessa didn’t kill her but made Silas think she did. Silas fed her blood and she slowly turned from stone to another Petrova doppelganger (again great Job to Nina Dobrev for pulling three characters off in the same episode). She told Silas to leave her alone. After being in a box for 2,000 years, there is no telling what she went through. He told her he took the cure because he wanted to be with her. She knew what she wanted so she stabbed him with glass and bit his neck. She didn’t want to live another day.
Katherine went to pay Dr. Maxfield a visit after her tooth debacle. She gave him his tape recorder (that she listened to) and told him she would spill his secrets if he didn’t help her. She wanted him to figure out how save her from dying. She told him that her name is Katherine and Elena is her doppelganger.
At the Salvatore mansion Elena thanked Stefan for saving her while Damon and Jeremy had some drinks. Jeremy was down because he won’t be able to touch Bonnie, but he wasn’t going to give up. Damon told Elena that since Amara is human again, they have to protect her because she is the anchor. Damon had Amara in the trunk and said “Elena, meet Crazy Pants. Crazy Pants, meet Elena.”
Tessa was upset with Stefan. She didn’t accept his offer to heal her knife wound. She wanted to keep it as a reminder of how dumb she was for trusting him. She lost out to a doppelganger again and wanted Stefan to pay. She gave him back all of his memories from killing his father to drowning over and over again in quarry over the summer. He was struggling on the floor as his memories took over and I thought what Stefan will we see now?
How do you think Stefan will act now that he has his memories back? What is Tessa going to do next? Will Silas and Amara be together? What is going to happen to Bonnie? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.