Mother of Vamps! Every week we are loaded with information and surprise twists and I love it! Let’s get down to it!
We begin with Dr. Maxfield studying Jesse (after he made him into a vampire last week). He is checking his symptoms since his transformation and teasing him with blood (and Jesse is shirtless so that’s a major bonus for us). Jesse didn’t understand what was going on, but he knew he was hungry.
Elena dusted off her diary to share her feelings about Bonnie’s death. She is back at school (just like Bonnie said) and wants to find out what really happened with her roomate’s death and what Dr. Maxfield is up to. She also has been avoiding talking to Damon on the phone. She sent him to voicemail and he came up behind her and caught her. Damon told her he would be her date to the Whitmore Historical Ball (where the college’s entire collection of artifacts is on display and everyone dresses up as historical figures, perfect for a Halloween Episode).
Caroline and Tyler have been making up for lost time in the bedroom. Caroline told him about the ball and that they would go as Bonnie and Clyde. She said he owed her big time for not returning her calls and being absent from her life. His defense was that he was helping a werewolf pack where there was no cell reception. Caroline wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
Elena saw a guy looking at Megan’s memorial (her roommate) on campus. Elena tried to talk to him but he was reserved. He wouldn’t give up his name but he did tell her that he didn’t think her death was a suicide. Talking with him definitely piqued Elena’s interest.
Nadia and Silas bickered about Katherine and who was going to get her. Silas warned that even though he lost his psychic abilities, he had become a pro at tracking a call. Nadia wasn’t ready to give Katherine up yet, so she hung up the phone. Katherine told Nadia not to piss off the diabolical ones. She should just give her to Silas so he could have a drop of her blood and everyone would be happy. Well that would be too easy. Nadia told Katherine that Silas didn’t need just a drop of her blood; he needs every drop in her body.
Damon was with Jeremy (and Bonnie although he can’t see or hear her) and said that he wanted to work with Silas and use his death to bring Bonnie back to life. Since Silas wants to die and be with his one true love, they could help him die and bring Bonnie back. Bonnie heard Damon’s theory and although it was possible, she didn’t want the consequences that came along with abusing magic. She told Jeremy she wasn’t not cool with it, but he told Damon that she was all for it (even though she explained to Jeremy that she thought Silas wanted to wipe out the other side completely and Qetsiyah must have created a “mystical anchor” to bind her spell to the other side, and that anchor is what Silas was looking for and what Qetsiyah wanted to keep). There was a flash of Damon and Silas talking about his idea and Silas told him that he needed him to kill Stefan (so he could get his psychic abilities back) and that Qetsiyah was going to the ball in a Cleopatra costume.
Nadia and Katherine were at a diner and she offered Katherine her freedom for some information (sounds easy enough, but this is TVD so you know something is up). First Nadia wanted to know if Katherine exposed Pearl and her daughter Anna as vampires in 1864. Katherine said she did (along with a list of her other bad doings). Nadia told Katherine that she became a vampire so she could follow Katherine because she supposedly killed Nadia’s mother in 1645 in Paris. Katherine said “I go to Paris for shoes. The shoes I remember. Everything else requires a few more details” (this was one of my favorite Katherine lines). Nadia told her that while she was running from Klaus, she identified her mother as Katerina Petrova to his crew and she was taken from her. With this information, Katherine knew she had no chance at freedom, so she grabbed a cane and staked Nadia in the restaurant.
At the Historical ball, Stefan was dressed as James Dean, Caroline and Tyler were Bonnie and Clyde, and Elena and Damon were Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. Damon wanted to dance with Elena but she wasn’t feeling it. She felt guilty for not figuring out that Bonnie had died sooner and was determined to find out what really happened to Megan. She saw the guy from her memorial that wouldn’t give her his name and went over to talk to him. She compelled him to tell her that he didn’t kill Megan and he’s avoiding her because everyone around him seems to end up dead. She compelled him to forget her questions and found out his name is Aaron.
Qetsiyah (dressed as a sexy Cleopatra) talked to Stefan at the bar. He didn’t remember who she was but when she said her name he knew she was the witch who wiped his memory. She offered to buy him an “I’m sorry” drink when Damon interrupted and took Stefan away. Silas walked up behind Stefan and when he turned around Silas said “Hello, me” and Damon snapped Stefan’s neck. Ah brotherly love. Silas got his powers back and planned to pose as Stefan to trick Qetsiyah and read her mind. He was hoping to find out where the “Mystical anchor” was.
Qetsiyah believed Silas was Stefan and they talked, and danced. After awhile he told her that he wanted to hear her say she still loved him and she knew it was really Silas. He compelled her to tell him that she created the mystical anchor but the Travelers hid it after they killed her. She was at the ball to find a pendant of hers that would enhance her powers so she could perform a locator spell to find the anchor. After he got the information, he told her to forget their conversation. Stefan started waking up and Damon explained that he was trying to get Bonnie back for Elena, and snapped his neck again.
Caroline was ready to ditch the Ball and have a Fifty Shades moment involving handcuffs, but Tyler said he wasn’t just there to get her in bed (a man turning down sex, something is definitely up with Tyler).
Katherine found Nadia in an alley still staked. Katherine asked Nadia why she made up the bogus story about her mother (she knew Klaus’ crew would never have mistaken her for someone else). Nadia admitted that her story was fake and that Katherine really did kill her mother but it was in England in 1492. She put her mother’s head in a noose and pushed her off the chair (OMG did you see what was coming here?). Nadia said, “My name is Nadia Petrova. And you are my mother.” Whoa!
Back at the ball, Elena danced with Dr. Maxfield (who was dressed as Dr. Jekyl) which I found strange since he is a professor and she is a student. Dr. Maxfield told her that he thought a vampire followed Megan, ripped out her throat and tossed her off of the roof. Then he told her there were people at Whitmore watching her and her friends, and asking questions she didn’t want them to ask. He said they wouldn’t see each other again and suggested she drop out of school and move back to Mystic Falls.
At the ball, Qetsiyah found the pendant and thought Stefan had found her, but it was Silas. Stefan woke up again but Damon didn’t realize it so Stefan tricked him and snapped his neck. Payback Damon! Stefan found Silas and Qetsiyah. He roughed up Silas and took his ring back and then told Qetsiyah that Damon was working with Silas and everything Silas told her was a lie. Silas tried to pull the “You know you love me” card, but Qetsiyah was over it and reached in his chest and stopped his heart from beating so his veins would dry up and he would perish from the inside out. Gross!
Fun fact: Dr. Maxfield is Aaron’s legal guardian and manages his trust (whoa sounds like he’s super rich). Dr. Maxfield told him to stay away from Elena and her friends. I really don’t trust the doctor. What all is he involved in (besides monitoring new vampires)?
Nadia woke up in a hotel stake free. She told Katherine she should have run away when she had the chance but Katherine thinks that Silas won’t try to cure himself until after he gets rid of the other side (really Katherine?). If he’s mortal and dies as a witch he’ll go to the other side. Katherine said to Nadia “It’s nice to meet you.” Nadia teared up and one tear fell. Aw!
Tyler talked to Caroline and said he couldn’t live with the fact that they were together because Klaus gave them permission to be. Klaus killed his mother with no consequences and he couldn’t think about school now. He came back to say goodbye because he was on a mission to destroy Klaus (I hope to see Tyler make an appearance on the Originals soon). Caroline told him she wanted him to stay and be the love of her life, and although he had tears in his eyes, his hatred for Klaus won out in the end. She told him if he left it would be over and he left Caroline crying (Aw maybe now she can hook up with Jesse to cheer her up).
Back at Salvatore Mansion, a dried up Silas was on the couch. We find out that the only way for Silas to bring Bonnie back to life is if he is a witch, and to become a witch he needed the cure. As if on cue, Katherine knocked on the door. Once she realized why she was there, it was too late. Damon bit her neck and she told him that Silas needed all of her blood and she didn’t want to die. Damon said “Goodbye, Katherine,” and held her head to Silas’ mouth and Katherine fell to the floor. Then Damon heard a heartbeat. Katherine woke up and asked “Am I in Hell?”
Wow! How is Katherine alive? Is she the Mystical Anchor? Do you think Caroline will hook up with Jesse (if he ever escapes the Dr.’s office)? Do you think Dr. Maxfield’s warning was to help or hurt Elena? Will Silas be cured? What do you think about Katherine being Nadia’s Mother? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.