The Good Wife – 5.03 ‘A Precious Commodity’
Diane comes clean immediately to Will about the interview and the fit hits the shan.
Will goes for a jog and comes back with a decision. Diane is out. Alicia gets a ringside seat to the separation of Diane from the firm which also leads to an offer of Managing Partner. Whoa!
Peter may be pre-inoculated against prison, but did that vaccine cover temptation? Now that Marilyn is back it seems that Mr. Florick’s resolve may be crumbling as well, if the speed at which he is racing to renew his wedding vows is any gauge. This could be bad.
The goat video makes a cameo appearance when Zach reluctantly reveals the “Hot List” to Alicia. Poor Alicia, in her effort to protect Grace from the unwanted attention of amorous young men she mistakenly kicks out her daughters pastor. A+ for effort.
In the end Diane and Will agreed. They stay together until it’s not fun, or profitable. Observing the termination of their friendship is gut-wrenching. Unfun indeed. Obviously Will doesn’t have a clue regarding Alicia’s impending defection, and when the truth comes to light, what happened to Diane will look like childs play.
Cary and the rest of the fourth-years made the earth shattering decision of what typeface to use. I understand Alicia’s desire to be on her own, but her choice of Cary, in my opinion, is suspect. Each time we see the fourth-year associates they instill fear, rather than confidence. I’m not sure they are ready leave the children’s table yet.
What do you think?
Do you see wedding vows and marital bliss in Peters future, or infidelity and tears?
Do you see Cary or Will in Alicia’s future? What does your Magic Mirror say?
Mine’s not talking.
• Creator of Digital Euphoria! • Extreme southern speaker, big hair believer & professional geek • Follow @PxlWvr or contact at Mynda@nicegirlstv.com