WEEK IN REVIEW: Top TV Moments – For Better or Worse
Each week I pick a few TV moments I can’t stop thinking about – for better or worse. If I missed your favorite or frustrating TV moment let me know in the comments below. Since this is a week in review there are going to be spoilers. The whole thing is a spoiler so proceed at your own risk.
1. Glee – I’m not surprised this Farewell to Finn episode of Glee was sad. I knew it would be. I sniffled through most of the episode. However, watching Rachel sing Bob Dylan’s or Adele’s (depending on your generation) “Make You Feel My Love” while tears ran down her face was heartbreaking. Lea Michele was amazing.
2. Bones – I’m torn about this week’s Bones episode. Am I glad Pelant is dead? Yes. Do I think Pelant’s death was anticlimactic? Yes. Am I annoyed that Bones thought it was a good idea to go see Pelant without mentioning her plan to anyone? Yes. Do all of my issues not even matter because now we are going to get a Bones and Booth wedding? Yes.
3. New Girl – I want to preface that I am not happy with Schmidt right now. If he wasn’t clearly going through the stages of grief I would be yelling at the TV with his numerous shenanigans. That being said I am mildly curious to know what exactly The Captain entails. Disturbed, but curious.
4. Scandal – How cool was it that Olivia found herself on the corner of Wonderland Ave the same night Once Upon a Time in Wonderland premiered? I’m not sure how many Scandal viewers watch Wonderland but it was nice cross promotion.
5. Person of Interest – Root, played flawlessly by Amy Acker, scares the crap out of me. This week, she broke out of the mental facility she has been calling home, with the help of The Machine. Harold’s call to Reese to say, “We have a problem.” was a serious understatement! Root was scary enough before but now, aided by The Machine, holy mother of pearl!
6. Beauty and The Best – Superficially I like the new Vincent. He has short hair and no scar on his face. Fundamentally I like that the show basically started the love story over again. This time, unlike the first time, won’t be as easy since Cat is basically a stranger to him. That however is part of the fun.