THE VAMPIRE DIARIES Recap: I Know What You Did Last Summer
I’m so excited to say Welcome Back TVD fans! What a start to season five! Doppelgangers, shadowselves, college, murder, car accidents, secrets, threesomes and more! Whew! Buckle up and let’s get down to it.
We opened with seeing how everyone spent their summer and apparently getting it on was at the top of the list! Damon and Elena were in bed, Matt was in bed with Rebekah and another woman at the same time! Frisky! Caroline talked to Tyler on the phone and tried to get him to join her and Elena at college (he was helping out a wolf pack). Jeremy posed as Bonnie (who everyone thinks is traveling the world) in emails/texts to Elena because no one knows that she really died.
After Jeremy walked in on Damon and Elena making out on the couch, Elena decided to take a bath. Damon walked in with nothing but a towel on (Sexy!) and she told him she was afraid something bad was about to happen (no way, in Mystic Falls?). When she sunk into the bath water we cut to Stefan struggling and gasping in the safe under water. Poor Stefan.
Elena and Caroline were off to Whitmore College so that left Damon in charge of Jeremy who was returning to school (which is weird since everyone believed him to be dead). Jeremy came up with the story that he accidentally burned down his house and faked his own death for attention. That’s his story and he’s sticking to it.
At Whitmore, Caroline and Elena were excited to be starting fresh at college. “We actually made it. We’re here,” Caroline said. Then Bonnie’s ghost appeared and said “We’re all here together.” It was meant to be a tender moment but I couldn’t help but giggle because they couldn’t see her.
They made it to their dorm room (which was the nicest dorm room I’ve ever seen) and Sherriff Forbes told Elena that this was where her father fell in love with medicine, and he would be so proud of her. Aw! Sheriff Forbes left and they were ready to celebrate when there was a knock at the door. Surprise! They have a third roommate named Megan. Hide the blood bags ladies, this should be interesting.
Elena called Damon to tell him about their roommate and he told her to compel Megan and make her leave. Duh! Elena didn’t want to do that because it would be like Mystic Falls all over again. She decided to act normal with their new roommate instead. Damon had to cut their call short because human Katherine showed up in his living room looking a hot mess! Humanity doesn’t look good on her!
Back in Mystic Falls, Matt was working at the fair when Rebekah showed up for a little make out session. We found out that Nadia (the other girl in their threesome) stole Rebekah’s earrings and Jeremy’s ring! He kissed Rebekah goodbye and returned to work. Who do we see for the first time? “Stefan” who is really Silas.
Sheriff Forbes was indulging in comfort food at the fair after leaving the girls at college and “Stefan” joined her. He grabbed her wrist and cut it with a knife over a cup! Wow! He told her that they had met before when he looked like Bonnie and this was his real form. Stefan is his doppelganger. He is a 2,000 year old immortal psychic that Caroline and crew thought they’d killed. He explained that he came first and vampires were nothing more than a perversion of him. He can’t be killed, he needs human blood to survive, but he is not a vampire (that’s why he didn’t go for her neck). He held up the cup of her blood and drank it. He realized that she couldn’t help him find what he was looking for, so he compelled her to remember that Stefan stopped by to say hello.
Jeremy had a rough day at Mystic Falls High. Two punks were messing with him and purposely stepped on his phone in the hallway. One of the guys shoved Jeremy and he went all Jackie Chan on them! He kicked their butts!
At the Salvatore mansion, Katherine started to tell Damon why she was there. Damon offered to turn her into a vampire but she wasn’t sure if it would work because no one had ever taken the cure before. She told him someone was chasing her and begged him to help her before her enemies realized she was a weak human. The phone rang and Katherine answered and pretended to be Elena since it was the school. Jeremy had been expelled and Damon was off to get him.
Cut to Stefan waking up under water again. He struggled and passed out. He has been hallucinating conversations with Damon, who encourages him to turn off his humanity switch to get rid of his misery but Stefan won’t. He doesn’t want to be a monster again.
In the dorm room, Megan was in the shower and Caroline started to go through her things. Elena told her to appear normal they need friends but Caroline was afraid she would want to eat Megan since they can’t keep their blood bags in the fridge (vampire problems). Caroline took a sip of Megan’s protein water and you would have thought she was dying! The water had vervain in it! Caroline was ready to lock her up and compel her when the vervain left her system. Elena was a little more logical about it and said in order for Megan to think they are normal, they have to act normal. So what do they do? Go to a party (that a totally hot guy gave them a flier for early that day, he was obviously into Caroline).
When they got to the party, the hot guy was the first person they saw. Caroline was very short with him because she’s with Tyler (even though he was nowhere to be seen). They walked up to the door and couldn’t get in, they needed to be invited. So it wouldn’t look suspicious, they told Megan they were waiting for someone. Now Caroline was convinced Megan was onto them. Elena called Megan and left a message to call her so she could tell her why they left. Megan called back and said she was being chased and needed them to help her. They couldn’t go inside! Caroline told her to come outside and they could help her. Next thing you know there was a body thrown from the roof (I’m guessing the roof because it came from above). It was Megan. She was dead and it looked like she was killed by a vampire. The plot thickens.
Damon caught up with Jeremy at The Grill and told him he was lucky he didn’t put one of those boys in the ICU. Damon said he compelled the principal into giving Jeremy a three-day suspension. Damon got up and “Stefan” was there. They shared an awkward hug and had a drink at the bar. Silas could read Damon’s mind and knew Katherine was at Damon’s house. Jeremy went to say hello to “Stefan” and when he touched him, he knew it was really Silas. He played it off until “Stefan” left. Bonnie’s ghost appeared and she told Jeremy that when she died Silas was freed. Jeremy told Damon that “Stefan” was really Silas. Damon didn’t believe him at first, but Jeremy said “I’m a hunter; our whole reason for existing is to kill Silas.” Jeremy asked Damon what Silas wanted and Damon figured it out. He was after Katherine (but why?).
Katherine was in the bathtub when Silas got there and of course she thought he was Stefan and they flirted. Just as they were about to kiss, he grabbed her neck and started choking her. She grabbed a razor and sliced the side of his cheek. She got a robe and ran downstairs and right into Damon. He told Jeremy to get Katherine out of there and not to tell him where they are going. Silas came downstairs and told Damon to give Katherine to him. Damon told him to drop the Stefan look. Silas explained to Damon that when he became immortal, nature retaliated by creating a version of him that was able to be killed. It was called a shadow self and Stefan was his shadow self. Then Silas told Damon that Stefan was suffering just like he had and if he wanted to know where Stefan was, he’d have to give Katherine to him.
Damon called Jeremy and told him to come back, so he turned around. Katherine was not going to let him hand her over to Silas without a fight, so she grabbed the wheel and caused Jeremy to hit a light pole. After awhile Damon started to worry because they should have been back. He left to go look for Jeremy and Katherine.
The party was still going on outside of Mystic Grill. Matt saw Nadia (the threesome thief) and followed her into a dark alley (really Matt? Have you learned nothing in Mystic Falls?). She gave him the ring back and told him it wasn’t hers to take. She was very seductive and Matt was distracted long enough for some man to grab his head from behind and put a spell on him. Matt’s eyes turned black and he collapsed. OMG!
When Elena and Caroline got back to their dorm room, the door was open. They noticed that Megan’s tablet was stolen. Elena looked through pictures on Megan’s phone (Caroline swiped it from the crime scene before the cops arrived). Elena found a picture of her father and Megan. OMG! Could Megan be Elena’s sister?
At the scene of the car accident, Katherine was able to walk away but Jeremy was bleeding in the middle of the street. He asked Katherine to help him but she just left. Damon got there just in time and fed Jeremy his blood. He woke up and told Damon that Katherine left and Damon hugged Jeremy and said he didn’t care. Aw! It’s nice to see the caring side of Damon every once in awhile.
Back at the dorm, Caroline and Elena were both in bed. Caroline was crying because she got a voicemail from Tyler saying he was going to put off school to help the werewolf pack. Elena heard the voicemail and consoled her. Caroline was just happy Elena was there.
We see Stefan stirring and he had another hallucination of Damon trying to convince him to turn off the humanity switch. This time Elena appeared and told him to stay with her and hold on to his humanity because it’s the one thing that makes him who he is. He holds on to it, for now.
Damon called Elena to check on her after her rough day but failed to mention anything about Jeremy’s suspension or accident, Silas, or Katherine. He didn’t want her to drop everything and run home to help; he wanted to handle it (not the smartest move Damon).
Back at the town square, Bonnie’s Dad got up to speak. He told the crowd that he got postcards from his daughter who was traveling the world and shared that she loved cotton candy. Bonnie’s ghost was in the crowd and smiled at her dad. Silas interrupted Bonnie’s dad (Kanye style) and spoke to the crowd. He said he wanted to see how many people he could influence since he consumed so much blood over the summer. He told the crowd to stop talking and they did. He told them not to make a sound or to move a muscle and it wasn’t successful. He took a knife and slit Bonnie’s Dad’s throat like it was nothing! GASP! Bonnie’s ghost screamed and ran over to him but the rest of the crowd was silent. Silas said he wanted them to help him find a girl that looks exactly like Elena Gilbert. He told them to find her!
Favorite quote– Damon to Silas: “If I have to hear the word Doppelganger one more time, I think I’m gonna actually have to learn how to spell it.”
Whew! What did you think of that episode? What is up with Megan and Elena’s Dad? What is going to happen to Matt? Do you like seeing Paul Wesley play Silas? What do you think is Silas’ plan? Will Bonnie try to get revenge on Silas for killing her father? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below.
The Vampire Diaries airs Thursday nights at 8/7c on The CW.